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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my MIA Glove (pic and story)

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Well, at the very least the "controversy" around the name has us hockey geeks talking about the product alot. Maybe part of the branding / awareness strategy? MIA does have a better ring to it than MIC though.

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Maybe i am slow but when you say north-america does it mean that we are part of america>


Is the company called made in north america? At no point does the company use the term North America. Do you consider yourself an American?

It's an argument about semantics Chadd. Does he refer to himself as an American? Maybe not. Does he have the right to? Absolutely. It seems to me like you are taking a side that the term "America" applies only to the United States, like its their property. Not the case. If Brazil chose to call itself, "Brazil of America" from now on, they could. Fact of the matter is, the "America" in the term "United States of America" is just a butt end. If the term "of America" were not part of the country's name, this wouldnt even be an issue, as the whole basis of the country is based on Unified States.

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Chadd, THEY NEVER SAY THE PRODUCT IS MADE IN AMERICA! Its the name of the company! You're being quite anal on this.

The name of the company implies things that are not true.

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I would counter with "why didn't they say Made in North America?"

Because its their money, their materials and their products, thus they can choose to name it whatever they wish?? Just a stab though.

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Well, at the very least the "controversy" around the name has us hockey geeks talking about the product alot. Maybe part of the branding / awareness strategy? MIA does have a better ring to it than MIC though.

Why couldn't they just choose a different name other than an acronym?

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Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

No. The rules about registering companies names are pretty the same everywere,

you cant put a name on a product that dont resemble the features of that product (example: cant put a name on a pants for example "Nyloners 8000" and they don't have nylon in them).

However they are made in America (think of an italian glove company that have "Made in Europe" as his name for example).

But i think if there is mentioned on them "made in Canada" there is no problem.

I think the matter is: would the place where gloves have been produced considered as a quality of the product by the consumer (or customer or whatever you call the guy that buy)? (like for example the materials etc..)

Would the name America been confused with USA by the consumer?

I think that the office that let MIA register it's name have already answer this questions.

Anyway i will check USA and CANADA laws on copyrights, and naming of product.

Oh, the gloves are simply amazing, too bad they cost to much for me...

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I would counter with "why didn't they say Made in North America?"

Because its their money, their materials and their products, thus they can choose to name it whatever they wish?? Just a stab though.

Wow, you cleared that right up for everyone. I asked "why didn't they" in regards to their intentions of naming their company MIA not "how could they."

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Well, at the very least the "controversy" around the name has us hockey geeks talking about the product alot.  Maybe part of the branding / awareness strategy?  MIA does have a better ring to it than MIC though.

Why couldn't they just choose a different name other than an acronym?

Because a short name or acronym is easier to remember, even better if it's "catchy."

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The thing I don't get is way say "Made In America" when made in Canada has bigger meaning in the hockey world? Since a lot of people make a big deal about Hockey stuff made in china.

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I would counter with "why didn't they say Made in North America?"

Because its their money, their materials and their products, thus they can choose to name it whatever they wish?? Just a stab though.

Wow, you cleared that right up for everyone. I asked "why didn't they" in regards to their intentions of naming their company MIA not "how could they."

Well, unless you talk to the CEO of MIA yourself, I'm quite sure you arent going to get a "why didnt they" answer.

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Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

No. The rules about registering companies names are pretty the same everywere,

you cant put a name on a product that dont resemble the features of that product (example: cant put a name on a pants for example "Nyloners 8000" and they don't have nylon in them).

However they are made in America (think of an italian glove company that have "Made in Europe" as his name for example).

But i think if there is mentioned on them "made in Canada" there is no problem.

I think the matter is: would the place where gloves have been produced considered as a quality of the product by the consumer (or customer or whatever you call the guy that buy)? (like for example the materials etc..)

Would the name America been confused with USA by the consumer?

I think that the office that let MIA register it's name have already answer this questions.

Anyway i will check USA and CANADA laws on copyrights, and naming of product.

Oh, the gloves are simply amazing, too bad they cost to much for me...

The problem is the continent is North America, not America.

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America, North and South, are continents, not an individual country.  The terminology for Made in America and made in the USA is totally different.  No different than if Paris, Missouri had a product made and called it "Made in a Place named Paris.  Technically, it's true.  Besides, like McCabe said, it's just a name of a company, nothing more.

Again, cite any other example of a company using the term America as a generic term.


Here's a company that just recently, last year, changed their name. Previously though, for over a decade, this company that was located outside the good old USA was named America Mineral Fields. The only reason they changed it was because they've branched out so far internationally that they felt felt (obviously) that the name no longer reflected their circumstances.

However, since MIA is still in the "America's" their name still reflects their circumstance.

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Must be a lot of arrogant "Americans" on this board...LOL

They could move the plant to Brazil and still call 'em MIA for all I care. I'm not quite so shallow as to assume that because they are made in "South" America that they are no longer part to the "America's".

The fact that they are made in Canada is great. With all the companies moving their products offshore for manufacturing. MIA should be commended in their efforts to make an "American" (and I use the term inclusively) product.

Heck maybe we should all boycott Eagle for using a commonly accepted U.S. icon on a product manufactured in Canada....

Get a grip here people. Great product, made in Canada and you're quarrelling over whether or not Canada is a part of the America's....

Look under the xmas tree CWAS. ;)

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Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

No. The rules about registering companies names are pretty the same everywere,

you cant put a name on a product that dont resemble the features of that product (example: cant put a name on a pants for example "Nyloners 8000" and they don't have nylon in them).

However they are made in America (think of an italian glove company that have "Made in Europe" as his name for example).

But i think if there is mentioned on them "made in Canada" there is no problem.

I think the matter is: would the place where gloves have been produced considered as a quality of the product by the consumer (or customer or whatever you call the guy that buy)? (like for example the materials etc..)

Would the name America been confused with USA by the consumer?

I think that the office that let MIA register it's name have already answer this questions.

Anyway i will check USA and CANADA laws on copyrights, and naming of product.

Oh, the gloves are simply amazing, too bad they cost to much for me...

The problem is the continent is North America, not America.

Just like "America's" name is the United States of America.

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From the company website:

"About us

Mission statement

Made In America Sports is devoted to offering high quality sports performance merchandise and related goods. By committing ourselves to a domestic workforce and selecting only the best materials, we aim to foster job creation here at home, while ensuring the excellence of everything we put our name on.

Made in America Sports empowers its all-star employees by creating a collaborative working environment, whereby all team members actively participate in creating a winning product. We strongly adhere to making an impact in the Canadian and American manufacturing scene by treating people as human beings and relentlessly challenging the cruel exploitation of workers, which has become an ever-growing trend."

This implies they actually employ American (whoops, sorry USA) labor. Wonder if they do, or will...

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Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

No. The rules about registering companies names are pretty the same everywere,

you cant put a name on a product that dont resemble the features of that product (example: cant put a name on a pants for example "Nyloners 8000" and they don't have nylon in them).

However they are made in America (think of an italian glove company that have "Made in Europe" as his name for example).

But i think if there is mentioned on them "made in Canada" there is no problem.

I think the matter is: would the place where gloves have been produced considered as a quality of the product by the consumer (or customer or whatever you call the guy that buy)? (like for example the materials etc..)

Would the name America been confused with USA by the consumer?

I think that the office that let MIA register it's name have already answer this questions.

Anyway i will check USA and CANADA laws on copyrights, and naming of product.

Oh, the gloves are simply amazing, too bad they cost to much for me...

The problem is the continent is North America, not America.

Just like "America's" name is the United States of America.

Yes, that's the full name of this country. How many other countries have the word America in them?

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im pretty conservative and i like the gloves, i was thinking though, even though they would still get my money if i could select an all black cuff, black fill and outline of the MIA logo, think they would do that?

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Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

No. The rules about registering companies names are pretty the same everywere,

you cant put a name on a product that dont resemble the features of that product (example: cant put a name on a pants for example "Nyloners 8000" and they don't have nylon in them).

However they are made in America (think of an italian glove company that have "Made in Europe" as his name for example).

But i think if there is mentioned on them "made in Canada" there is no problem.

I think the matter is: would the place where gloves have been produced considered as a quality of the product by the consumer (or customer or whatever you call the guy that buy)? (like for example the materials etc..)

Would the name America been confused with USA by the consumer?

I think that the office that let MIA register it's name have already answer this questions.

Anyway i will check USA and CANADA laws on copyrights, and naming of product.

Oh, the gloves are simply amazing, too bad they cost to much for me...

The problem is the continent is North America, not America.

Just like "America's" name is the United States of America.

Yes, that's the full name of this country. How many other countries have the word America in them?

Well, most countries in the world arent as cocky as the United States of America to grab posession of the continent and call it "their own". ;)

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From the company website:

"About us

Mission statement

Made In America Sports is devoted to offering high quality sports performance merchandise and related goods. By committing ourselves to a domestic workforce and selecting only the best materials, we aim to foster job creation here at home, while ensuring the excellence of everything we put our name on.

Made in America Sports empowers its all-star employees by creating a collaborative working environment, whereby all team members actively participate in creating a winning product. We strongly adhere to making an impact in the Canadian and American manufacturing scene by treating people as human beings and relentlessly challenging the cruel exploitation of workers, which has become an ever-growing trend."

This implies they actually employ American (whoops, sorry USA) labor. Wonder if they do, or will...

in that quote they seem to denote a difference between canada and america

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So how you like the glove Chadd?

Keep the thread going for the nicest glove I ever owned :P

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Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

No. The rules about registering companies names are pretty the same everywere,

you cant put a name on a product that dont resemble the features of that product (example: cant put a name on a pants for example "Nyloners 8000" and they don't have nylon in them).

However they are made in America (think of an italian glove company that have "Made in Europe" as his name for example).

But i think if there is mentioned on them "made in Canada" there is no problem.

I think the matter is: would the place where gloves have been produced considered as a quality of the product by the consumer (or customer or whatever you call the guy that buy)? (like for example the materials etc..)

Would the name America been confused with USA by the consumer?

I think that the office that let MIA register it's name have already answer this questions.

Anyway i will check USA and CANADA laws on copyrights, and naming of product.

Oh, the gloves are simply amazing, too bad they cost to much for me...

The problem is the continent is North America, not America.

Just like "America's" name is the United States of America.

Yes, that's the full name of this country. How many other countries have the word America in them?

Well, most countries in the world arent as cocky as the United States of America to grab posession of the continent and call it "their own". ;)

Australia? :huh: :P

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Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

No. The rules about registering companies names are pretty the same everywere,

you cant put a name on a product that dont resemble the features of that product (example: cant put a name on a pants for example "Nyloners 8000" and they don't have nylon in them).

However they are made in America (think of an italian glove company that have "Made in Europe" as his name for example).

But i think if there is mentioned on them "made in Canada" there is no problem.

I think the matter is: would the place where gloves have been produced considered as a quality of the product by the consumer (or customer or whatever you call the guy that buy)? (like for example the materials etc..)

Would the name America been confused with USA by the consumer?

I think that the office that let MIA register it's name have already answer this questions.

Anyway i will check USA and CANADA laws on copyrights, and naming of product.

Oh, the gloves are simply amazing, too bad they cost to much for me...

The problem is the continent is North America, not America.

Just like "America's" name is the United States of America.

Yes, that's the full name of this country. How many other countries have the word America in them?

Well, most countries in the world arent as cocky as the United States of America to grab posession of the continent and call it "their own". ;)

In their defence, if anyone has the right to it'd be them.

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