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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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haha modanos gloves

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Krog - they are NOT Easton gloves. Trust me.

Nolan's story is correct, and Craig is a member of MSH.

Then later...

No, they look like GX9500s, because that's what they are...or were...or whatever :)

So what was with all the secrecy?

I was right in my original post then. They ARE Easton gloves just re-marked.

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Krog - they are NOT Easton gloves.  Trust me.

Nolan's story is correct, and Craig is a member of MSH.

Then later...

No, they look like GX9500s, because that's what they are...or were...or whatever :)

So what was with all the secrecy?

I was right in my original post then. They ARE Easton gloves just re-marked.

same... then i got confused cuz others said they were something different.

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So what was with all the secrecy?

I was right in my original post then. They ARE Easton gloves just re-marked.

No, incorrect.

Okay again..., what's with all the secrecy?

As you can see most people in this thread with the exception of SRI are confused.

Can you come out and tell us what's going on then? Or is it something you can't say?

I just don't understand the back and forth with this.

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Not made by Easton

Not made by RBK

Same as the GX9500


Same glove manufactured by a third party who also manufactured the original GX9500

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Not made by Easton

Not made by RBK

Same as the GX9500


Same glove manufactured by a third party who also manufactured the original GX9500


The GX9500 was Orient made.

Even the pro models?

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ok, so they arent reebok and they arent easton? but they were made by some 3rd party?

Whos the 3rd party? and are they the same specs as the old eastons?

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Maybe he won them at a damn carnival.

That's where I got my hands from. :P

I tell people to call me stumpy because I have no hands.

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Maybe he won them at a damn carnival.

That's where I got my hands from. :P

I tell people to call me stumpy because I have no hands.

I forget what announcer said it but my favorite quote was "I've seen better hands on a snake."

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