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Nike Quest 1 Glove

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so how does this glove stack up to the Vapor XX and Vapor XXX? Is it worth getting the Quest 1 or should I pay the extra however much it is and get the XXX or XX? Any thoughts?

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the reason i ask is cause i'ts so cheap at hockey giant.. $49.99

so I guess i'd be better off with some XXX's since I'd have to pay shipping and conversion to Canada. Plus, after reading what you posted, the 49.99 pricetag looks a little suspect to me..

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I personally liked the Quest 1's quite a lot. They were snug (i like them that way), and comfortable, and I liked that they came in half-inch sizes...

The 49.99 price tag is not suspect at all considering it's a glove that's been out for several years now. To see them for that price on closeout is not a surprise at all, but rather, I think, a pretty good deal.

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hmm.... but as a side note

for me the Quest 1 will cost $105CDN after shipping which isn't too shabby..


if you had the choice between a Quest 1 for $105 or if you could get a Vapor XXX for $105, what would you get? Personally I love the feel of both, but the reason I started this thread was to ask how the Quest 1 stacks up to the Vapor gloves and to see if it's worth my $105.

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hmm.... but as a side note

for me the Quest 1 will cost $105CDN after shipping which isn't too shabby..


if you had the choice between a Quest 1 for $105 or if you could get a Vapor XXX for $105, what would you get? Personally I love the feel of both, but the reason I started this thread was to ask how the Quest 1 stacks up to the Vapor gloves and to see if it's worth my $105.

Of course, get the XXX. Wow, you can get a XXX for $105 Cdn offa where?! That's a great deal.

I personally think that a lot of the characteristics of the Vapor line of gloves are an offshoot of the design principles that went into the Quest series of Nike's. Both are good bets, but if you can get the newer glove for the same price, then go for it. XXX's are disgusting good.

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hmm.... but as a side note

for me the Quest 1 will cost $105CDN after shipping which isn't too shabby..


if you had the choice between a Quest 1 for $105 or if you could get a Vapor XXX for $105, what would you get? Personally I love the feel of both, but the reason I started this thread was to ask how the Quest 1 stacks up to the Vapor gloves and to see if it's worth my $105.

Of course, get the XXX. Wow, you can get a XXX for $105 Cdn offa where?! That's a great deal.

I personally think that a lot of the characteristics of the Vapor line of gloves are an offshoot of the design principles that went into the Quest series of Nike's. Both are good bets, but if you can get the newer glove for the same price, then go for it. XXX's are disgusting good.

hmm,.. alright thanks

I just wish I knew how much the new Nike gloves are going to cost and how they are going to feel.. Now I want my Vapor X's to die :D

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Based on your posts, I think that you live in BC so I would call some of the local hockey shops in the area first before you order online (because of the shipping, currency conversion, etc.). I saw the Inviso Quest gloves at SPort Chek (Metrotown I think, but if I am wrong then call around because as of a few weeks ago the downtown Sport Chek had the Quest 1s in blakc for $119 and Cyclone Taylor has the pro stock Quest 1s (no lobster thumb) with Lemieux 66 stitched on the tongue. Or just wait for the new ones in '06.

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Based on your posts, I think that you live in BC so I would call some of the local hockey shops in the area first before you order online (because of the shipping, currency conversion, etc.). I saw the Inviso Quest gloves at SPort Chek (Metrotown I think, but if I am wrong then call around because as of a few weeks ago the downtown Sport Chek had the Quest 1s in blakc for $119 and Cyclone Taylor has the pro stock Quest 1s (no lobster thumb) with Lemieux 66 stitched on the tongue. Or just wait for the new ones in '06.

Hey iceman, how'd you deduct that JB is from BC? He just mentioned Canada...I don't see BC anywhere...

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Based on your posts, I think that you live in BC so I would call some of the local hockey shops in the area first before you order online (because of the shipping, currency conversion, etc.). I saw the Inviso Quest gloves at SPort Chek (Metrotown I think, but if I am wrong then call around because as of a few weeks ago the downtown Sport Chek had the Quest 1s in blakc for $119 and Cyclone Taylor has the pro stock Quest 1s (no lobster thumb) with Lemieux 66 stitched on the tongue. Or just wait for the new ones in '06.

Hey iceman, how'd you deduct that JB is from BC? He just mentioned Canada...I don't see BC anywhere...

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I see BC in his Profile

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Based on your posts, I think that you live in BC so I would call some of the local hockey shops in the area first before you order online (because of the shipping, currency conversion, etc.). I saw the Inviso Quest gloves at SPort Chek (Metrotown I think, but if I am wrong then call around because as of a few weeks ago the downtown Sport Chek had the Quest 1s in blakc for $119 and Cyclone Taylor has the pro stock Quest 1s (no lobster thumb) with Lemieux 66 stitched on the tongue. Or just wait for the new ones in '06.

really?? I don't remember seeing any Invisios @ SportChek or any Q1 Pros at CTS.. I'll have to check again

which CTS? Coquitlam, Van or Richmond?

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I had quest 1's for two years then switched to XXX with numerous other pairs along the way and I just bought those quest 1's for sale that you were talking about from hockeygiant. I personally like the snug fit on them and I found that initially they were inconsistent from one pair to another but after wearing them for a while and breaking them in right they all feel the same. Havent found a glove that comes close to the quest 1's for me personally. That being said I also just orderd a custom pair of MIA gloves...what can I say, I'm just a glove whore.

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I had quest 1's for two years then switched to XXX with numerous other pairs along the way and I just bought those quest 1's for sale that you were talking about from hockeygiant. I personally like the snug fit on them and I found that initially they were inconsistent from one pair to another but after wearing them for a while and breaking them in right they all feel the same. Havent found a glove that comes close to the quest 1's for me personally. That being said I also just orderd a custom pair of MIA gloves...what can I say, I'm just a glove whore.

Ahhhh, the profile would explain it... :P

Hey dude, no worries, we're all glove whores on this board. Gloves are the sexiest piece of equipment, forget sticks and skates...they all look the same after a while...but the gloves...mmmm sexy...

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I'd take the Quest 1's over the Vapor XXX's. The Quest is more protective with a tighter fit and has a better palm and the lightness issue is irrelevant. The Vapor glove tends to leave the top part of your wrist/forearm exposed to slashes when your hands are tilted forward while stick handling. ( from my personal observations) This however can be rectified by wearing either P.U. wristbands or an elbow pad with a longer cuff like the Jofa 9177. My question is why buy a glove that requires you to purchase something extra to illeviate a problem that shouldn't exist. Again this is a personal opinion, I',m just pointing out an issue I have noticed about this product.

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Is the difference between the Quest 1s and the Invisios mostly cosmetic, or are the Quest 1's a much better glove? I see in the product description a few differences like the Quest 1's have "HD 80 foam construction" while the Invisios have "Dual-density foam construction." Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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