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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ribeiro curve

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Well, i just came back from Canadian Tire and they all have their SMU OPS which are pretty cool

I was looking at the C4 mission and the ribeiro was looking like a P38(rbk) so pretty close to a recchi or something like this...

I remember a while back ago we talked about this new curve but can't remember what it was close to...

So i was wondering if the Ribeiro SMU if different than the retail...?

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Obviously if it looked like a recchi then it was different than the retail. The retail is a Drury clone.

:rolleyes: I thought the Carter was a Drury clone and the Ribeiro was a toe curve...

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The ribeiro is a heel, as is the Carter. You are right though, the Carter is closer to a Drury. But, since only the Ribeiro is available on the Hex, (and only the Carter is available on the M-1's) it's the closest thing they've got to a Drury.

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Oh, OK. I remember looking around online for a Hex, and Great Skate described it as a "slightly open toe" My bad...

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Oh, OK. I remember looking around online for a Hex, and Great Skate described it as a "slightly open toe" My bad...

Ribeiro does have an open toe but it probably most like the old Easton Thornton but with a thinner profile. In fact, I don't recall another retail pattern that's too close to the Ribeiro.

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Well i found the c4 ribeiro to be close of a thorton or a recchi...but again this might be SMU pattern to... anyways i don,t whant to argue with you guys

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Well i found the c4 ribeiro to be close of a thorton or a recchi...but again this might be SMU pattern to... anyways i don,t whant to argue with you guys

I have no idea what the SMU pattern looks like, just talking about the regular pattern.

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The C-4 "RIBEIRO" is the same as our "HULL" curve from the other lines. C-4 Ribeiro = Z-1 Hull. I know this sounds a little confusing, but this was what CTC wanted us to make for them.

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well that not bad i have to say...when they were in special at 79 or 89cnd that mean you get a Z-1 at the price of 89 just with different logo that cool...

By the way, do you know if you(mission) will be making blade for them?

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We saw the deal with Canadian Tire as a chance to grow the Mission brand in Canada. By streamlining the stick to one curve and two flexes we were able to get our vendor to produce them at a discount to Z-1. Initially CTC was going to sell them for $109 cnd. If you can get one for $89 it's a pretty good deal.

We are launching Z-2 in Feb. Z-2 is a shaft and 2-blade pack, like L-2. Blades should be available then.

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Would it be pretty the same as a Z-1 or it will have ''improved'' performance( like a ligther weight)

I like mission shaft but a bit heavy for me...but beside the L-2 blade(only tapered) there no real blade available...

So i'm happy to heard mission will be making Hull/ribeiro(equivalent to iginla) for standard blade at a LOWER COST

Thanks for the input/news!

By the way, Mission isnt etablished in Quebec,Montreal?? I think they are well-know but people are more ''tempting'' in Easton for the same cost...i tihnk by having OPS at a lower cost is a great way to promote their stuff

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there is the itech/mission building on the 40 ouest

Exactly,it's just or so after boulevard st-charles near Pierrefonds on the 40 ouest.

BTW guys, I've seen inno shaft in pierrefonds at joe sports or something. two novius and two 1100.

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there is the itech/mission building on the 40 ouest

Exactly,it's just or so after boulevard st-charles near Pierrefonds on the 40 ouest.

BTW guys, I've seen inno shaft in pierrefonds at joe sports or something. two novius and two 1100.

I know..they have them for like 6 month now...but VERY LIMITED and such a big prize...it like 200cnd for the 1100 or novius...and they have like 2 shaft...so no flex options...

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