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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok i really hate my 852s they are bulky, heavy and they are not that easy to move in. I used to like these pants and in the last two months ive really started to hate them. Im looking for some mobile non bulky light pants for under 100 dollars. Anyone got suggestions.

Also i used to love the nike quest pants just hated the fact that there was no zippers on the legs.

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Try the Tackla 951, 5000, or 8000. Tackla makes a great protective and flexable pant. The new Snergy 900 or 500's are also a less bulky pant with great protection and very light as well.

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mission m-2's possibly. i'm pretty sure they have the zippers on the legs. also, i have a pair of ccm 652's, which aren't bulky and have leg zippers. if you're not playing an organized hockey, could always buy the nikes and cut the legs yourself for the added mobility. maybe even take them to a tailor or something and have them put zippers on? just a suggestion.

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if you want a pant that feels amazing and want to shell out around $90-$150 then take a serious look at the Nike Quest 1 and 2. They are light weight, and they take shape around your legs and waist really well. The internal belt makes them fit really well. Plus the spinal guard in the back feels really good when you skate. the only draw back is they don't have the zipper in the legs, which i was used to in my graf pants. But they have a very flexible and stretchy fabric on the inseam that makes them form to your legs really well. I love my pair of nike quest 2's. The quest 1's are that much nicer too! i recomend taking a serious look at them.

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do the takalas have zippers??

On some models they come standard and on some it is a special order. I just got into a pair of 9000s and I really like them so far.

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sooo do any of the takalas in my price range have zippers??

2400, 800, 700 can all have zippers added and are under your price limit. The 2400 is right at the limit, the others are less expensive.

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how much more would it be for top of the line pants with zippers even if i had to special order. would it be really that much more expensive and would it be worth it?

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how much more would it be for top of the line pants with zippers even if i had to special order. would it be really that much more expensive and would it be worth it?

It shouldn't cost more than $5 extra for the zippers on any Tackla model

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I second the Mission M2s. They fit me better than the Tacklas did...

And, the preview of the Salming sounds pretty similar to my M2s.

Zip legs, great spine protection, around $50... what else could you ask for

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