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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thats why you always look at the seat closley before sitting :D ...I always do cause it seems people like peeing on seat more than in the toilet itself :blink::blink:

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that must be embarassing... how simple would it be for someone to superglue themselves to a toilet seat? then they could sue the place that their in for $100,000 or whatever for undue stress. i hope this guy's case gets thrown out of court, because i think the precedent it would set would make law a joke

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that must be embarassing... how simple would it be for someone to superglue themselves to a toilet seat? then they could sue the place that their in for $100,000 or whatever for undue stress. i hope this guy's case gets thrown out of court, because i think the precedent it would set would make law a joke

You mean like successfully suing McDonalds b/c your coffee is too hot?

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that must be embarassing... how simple would it be for someone to superglue themselves to a toilet seat? then they could sue the place that their in for $100,000 or whatever for undue stress. i hope this guy's case gets thrown out of court, because i think the precedent it would set would make law a joke

You're a little bit conservative there, asdfa -- he's asking for $3M! :(

Plus I saw an article in the Denver Post that he might have made the same claim about 2-3 years ago at a different Home Depot. I say 'might' because there was discrepancy among the people they quoted in the article.

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wow. wow. 3 million is RIDICULOUS. unless he's a quirky philanthropist and plans to donate all the money he makes to charity. why are people demanding millions for being embarassed in public while people are starving?

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why are people demanding millions for being embarassed in public while people are starving?

Because the American legal system has turned into a lottery. When something bad happens to you, it's time to cash in your winning ticket.

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why are people demanding millions for being embarassed in public while people are starving?

Because the American legal system has turned into a lottery. When something bad happens to you, it's time to cash in your winning ticket.

I posted about that a few months ago.

My wife was sued for violating her non-compete agreement. They wanted $50K, so we ended up in court. The judge said D didn't do anything wrong and gave judgement to us.

But here's the important part. Judges don't like to be reversed, since it looks bad on their record at reappointment time, so they'll write their opinions in ways that make it harder to appeal. In our case, he said their contract was valid -- which I know my English well enough to know it wasn't -- but D didn't violate it, yet we wouldn't have our attorney fees compensated.

What could they appeal? "You're wrong judge -- our contract was invalid." "We'd like to recant one of our witnesses' testimony." "Oh, that's not fair that we have to pay her attorney fees." So we won the case, but I'm quite confident that we may have paid more in legal fees defending ourselves against a frivolous lawsuit than they did bringing it up.

That's what ties in to what Chadd said about turning into Lotto. The sad truth is too many people win settlements on frivolous lawsuits because of how costly it is for a company to defend. Sometimes they just say, "Here....take $25K and let's call it even."

Unfortunately, that resignation that it is cheaper just to settle emboldens questionable plaintiffs and lawyers.

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