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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Supreme 7000 Skates

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Are they able to be custom ordered through NBH? Im looking for size 9.5 EE ,if any shop workers here have them in their shop, or does any one know of any online stores with them.

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FYI, the 7000 is not available as a custom skate from NBH. Presently, the Vapor XXX, Supreme 8090, and Flex-Lite 12 are custom skates for retail dealers.

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FYI, the 7000 is not available as a custom skate from NBH. Presently, the Vapor XXX, Supreme 8090, and Flex-Lite 12 are custom skates for retail dealers.

Thanks for that info.

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Try Pirelli's. Or Pernelli's. Or Pyranees.

That's what I've heard people pronounce it around here.

I'm thinking it would take a long time to get custom skates from the mountains of Spain and France.

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Yeah, they have a ton of 7000s...been seeing a lot lately.

Jr,Next time your in there would you check if they have them in a 9.5 EE.

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Actually you spoke too late. After I left Kristin's house I went to the Taylor location. Almost bought a pair of Cooper Pro shoulder pads (the lace ups with the Flak shoulder caps) for $19.99.

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