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Skates shinpad connection

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I am new to ice hockey so when you put your shinpads under the tongue of the skates and it interferes with the tying of the skates then would that cause major problems? Which one is better for skating, shinpad over the tongue or under?

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I am new to ice hockey so when you put your shinpads under the tongue of the skates and it interferes with the tying of the skates then would that cause major problems? Which one is better for skating, shinpad over the tongue or under?

Don't understand the first question. PP for the second. I prefer wearing mine over the skate as I feel more forward flex. That's just me though. Actual results may vary ;)

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I like to let the shin pad lay over the tongue of my skate. I like the forward flex, as mentioned. However, by playing D this keeps the shin pad protection in line down low so no shots can hit that one spot where the tongue sitting outside the shin pad would be open. Only takes one blast to get a bruise that will ruin your season. It still comes down to PP and comfort. I'm just adding the player protection thought.

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if you go the shin pads over the tongue, you can use longer shin guards

which will give you a little more ankle protection when getting hit with puck

i think all current nhl'ers go over the tongue.. i could be wrong

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I don't think all NHL players go over the tongue. I like to tape my skates and have always worn under then fold the tongue over then tape. I don't see how either way makes you a better skater though. It's all PP . . . .

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i think all current nhl'ers go over the tongue.. i could be wrong

just off the top of my head, ovehkin and kovalev don't. I've seen mogilny wear both, kovalchuk used to. Sakic, Iginla, and Fedorov also wear them out.

-Don't forget the great one, he always went tongues out.

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Just a little more info if you guys can...

The forward flex can be a big deal I have noticed and I have noted above for myself at least...Is it common to notice a huge difference in skating between having the pads on top compared to underneath?

I feel much more comfortable with the tongues out.

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try both and see what's more comfortable....i wear mine over the tongue because i wear slightly bigger shins to get some more protection...

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if you go the shin pads over the tongue, you can use longer shin guards

which will give you a little more ankle protection when getting hit with puck

i think all current nhl'ers go over the tongue.. i could be wrong

16" over, 14" under

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I'm over the tongue as well (16" shinguard).

One downside to it, IMO is the fact that I need to put my skates on first, and if I have to re-tie my skate during a game it is a pain in the ass because I need to lift my shinguard up and prop it to the side with my elbow (or take the shinguard off completely) to do so.

That being said, I still don't think I would go back to having the shin guard inside the tongue... :P

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