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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX lite

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I've heard that its about 390g

An intermediate flex is an int. shaft (skinnier)

a whip flex is a flexier senior shaft (thicker than a int.)

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am i the only one who dosent understand why they would be marked at 420? im holding a XXX right now and it says 430, whats the point of losing 10 g's on a stick and then releasing it?

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  dietzie27 said:
the xxx lite i saw said 420, but it felt lighter than that
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Yeah thats exactly what i've heard alot

I dont see why they wouldnt make it as light or lighter than the stealth?(to be competitive)I'm thinking that the 390 i've heard about was an int. or jr.?

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Coming from an Int 77 flex, would it make more sense to go up to senior 77 flex and cut more of the stick off, or keep the same height and drop down to 65 flex? I've used senior Inno 360 flex before so I know how the flex is when I cut the stick down but I've never used a 65 flex. I'm 5'6", about 140lbs and I rarley take hard shots, mainly a playmaker. Anny suggestions?

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  sundinleafs137 said:
Coming from an Int 77 flex, would it make more sense to go up to senior 77 flex and cut more of the stick off, or keep the same height and drop down to 65 flex? I've used senior Inno 360 flex before so I know how the flex is when I cut the stick down but I've never used a 65 flex. I'm 5'6", about 140lbs and I rarley take hard shots, mainly a playmaker. Anny suggestions?
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Im 5'7" 140 and I use an 85 Flex, not cut. So go with the 77 SR. and cut down alittle.

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i doubt they'd put it as 420...i dont want it TOO much lighter though, the stealth was pushing it with the 395 weight that almost felt TOO light.

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Thanks man, I'm now debating between this (whip flex), a response xn10 (whip), and an adrenaline control (also whip).

PP included, what's the better stick? I figure that the Response will be a wee bit lighter, but for me it wont make a difference, as I currently use a woodie Sher-Wood and Montreal.

Edit: I just checked resellerratings.com and it drew a blank, how are they as a store? And, have you had a good customer service experience when needed?

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I'm going to call the webiste place real quick-like to inquire as to the price.

Edit: Quick call confirmed the stick at a nice $189.99. Considering the Stealths cost more than that, I'm pretty impressed.

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  basesloaded190 said:
i cant wait for this man! 2 ?'s what is the pricing going to be in a ballpark range?? and if im currently using a madano curve with my synergy what would be a curve close to that with bauer?
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A close curve would be a Hossa I think. Or maybe a Jokinen. A PM9 or P106 respectively.

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