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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX lite

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I have a few XXX Lites and I always feel like im going to break it on every shot. Also the stick is pretty much too light for my liking. The puck seems super heavy when I use that stick.

Also It seems like the stick isnt that durable. Even when I stickhandle the stick flexs :lol: but that may be cause I need a higher stiffness.

I think it would be a good stick for a forward who wants that really light stick, but for a defensemen I dont like it.

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mine feels rock solid in all regards....

I agree. I have two, only used one so far, but they are rock solid. I played some D and some forward and would defiantly buy it no matter where i play. Only problem i have is chipping. Which isn't a big deal at all.

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Ive seen XXX Lites and XXX Pro Lites, whats the difference? As far as i can remember they both were retail sticks.

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My son has 1 and he says everytime he goes to shoot the stick feels like its going to break,

Maybe thats just the way they are designed or something.

But overall he says its a good stick.

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how many times have you used it and what flex?

The one I use is an 87 flex and my two backups are both 102 flexs. Ive been using them for about a month. On the ice 4-5 times a week.

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