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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pronger Skate?/Ankle Protection?

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I can't tell you what exactly they are, but I do have a buddy that gets all of his skates custom so that the tongues are bent forward and over his laces til near the end of the skate on purpose for the little added protection that they can provide.

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He did used to have long tongues...but those are extra pads. You lace through them and they give you some extra protection on the front of your foot. Some players attach them to the sides by their ankles, like Leetch. It's been discussed before, and quite recently too.

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He did used to have long tongues...but those are extra pads. You lace through them and they give you some extra protection on the front of your foot. Some players attach them to the sides by their ankles, like Leetch. It's been discussed before, and quite recently too.

Pronger's skates are the Reebok 9k Pump. They are fitted with extra long skate tongues for extra protection...as previously mentioned. He does that with all his skates.

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Sorry Krog, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you buddy. If you look through all of Pronger's pics (even the most recent ones on gettyimages) you can clearly see that the the little piece of protection has a black lace through it, attaching it to the skate. Also, you can see in some pics where his shinpad ends, and the top of the skate is. You can see gaps between the pad, his shinpad and his skate. If it were a tongue, you wouldn't be able to see all that. The reason you can, is because the pad is loose and just kinda dangles from the top of his skate.

Now if you go back further to the pics of when he's on the Blues, you can see he has Vapors with long tongues. No gaps. Plus in one pic, the tongue has flipped up on him.

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Sorry Krog, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you buddy. If you look through all of Pronger's pics (even the most recent ones on gettyimages) you can clearly see that the the little piece of protection has a black lace through it, attaching it to the skate. Also, you can see in some pics where his shinpad ends, and the top of the skate is. You can see gaps between the pad, his shinpad and his skate. If it were a tongue, you wouldn't be able to see all that. The reason you can, is because the pad is loose and just kinda dangles from the top of his skate.

Now if you go back further to the pics of when he's on the Blues, you can see he has Vapors with long tongues. No gaps. Plus in one pic, the tongue has flipped up on him.

I'll have to re-look at the pictures.

But I was referencing what my buddy, who's head of PR for the blues told me about his skates while he was in St. Louis.

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A company makes them. They look like little squares or circles of black material with very hard foam of some kind in them. You lace up your boot, and then on the top eyelets you lace it through this pad then tie your skates. It's actually a pretty simple device.

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bet ya guys didn't think he skated in a 8.5?

Some of us have seen the auctions for his skates in the past. ;)

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Pronger is like 6'6 and he's in an 8.5 skate??? I'm 5'7 and I'm in 8-9 skates. Damn, he must have a really small...stick. He must use really small sticks.

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I personally know they arent extra tongues. my buddy's brother has got them the are called 'shot blockers ' i think. They are extra padding which you buy seperately

i have got a pair ordered when i test them give you results.

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its a guard, we sell one at work similar to it, its called skate guard or skate mate i think or something like that. Its a piece that goes over your laces and protects the front of your foot from shots. You can also get it so two pieces come up and protect your ankles.

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My buddys bro 'Colin Shields' you mighta heard of him. (Maine, Clevelan)d Barons, Greenville Grrowwl Notre Dame, drafted by philly Flyers 2003

He ordered them for me, they came and they annoyed me so much. (i dont look at my feet when i skates. but they were in the corner of my eye and kept flapping about and trying to make me look down.)

dont recommend these

please tell me if youve heard of Colin Shields because i dont quite know how good he really was over there.


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My buddys bro 'Colin Shields' you mighta heard of him. (Maine, Clevelan)d Barons, Greenville Grrowwl Notre Dame, drafted by philly Flyers 2003

He ordered them for me, they came and they annoyed me so much. (i dont look at my feet when i skates. but they were in the corner of my eye and kept flapping about and trying to make me look down.)

dont recommend these

please tell me if youve heard of Colin Shields because i dont quite know how good he really was over there.


He's playin for my home team the Belfast Giants right now

He's been playin amazin so far in the games i've seen, he has really impressed me

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Pronger is like 6'6 and he's in an 8.5 skate??? I'm 5'7 and I'm in 8-9 skates. Damn, he must have a really small...stick. He must use really small sticks.

Haha, well, I wear an 8.5 Mission skate, and i'm only 5'3!!!

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My buddys bro 'Colin Shields' you mighta heard of him. (Maine, Clevelan)d Barons, Greenville Grrowwl Notre Dame, drafted by philly Flyers 2003

He ordered them for me, they came and they annoyed me so much. (i dont look at my feet when i skates. but they were in the corner of my eye and kept flapping about and trying to make me look down.)

dont recommend these

please tell me if youve heard of Colin Shields because i dont quite know how good he really was over there.


How much did you pay for them? Are they the excat thing that Pronger wears? I wouldnt mind giving them a shot.

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