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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shortening stick?

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I changed from 100 to 85 flex last season. My slapshot got waaay better, but I dont think the stick is loading up or flexing at all on my wristers. I dont do that big lazy swooping back then forward wrist shot, i am trying to flex the stick. If I shorten it, I could take out the end plug and have it be at about my chin on skates, would that help me be able to get the stick to flex on wristers so the puck snaps off of it more? I have always used a longer than "supposed" to stick, so I could take out the whole plug and have it be at the "correct" height. Think that would help any? My shot doesnt suck, I just dont think it "pops" off the blade like some people can get it to do.

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I changed from 100 to 85 flex last season.  My slapshot got waaay better, but I dont think the stick is loading up or flexing at all on my wristers. I dont do that big lazy swooping back then forward wrist shot, i am trying to flex the stick.  If I shorten it, I could take out the end plug and have it be at about my chin on skates, would that help me be able to get the stick to flex on wristers so the puck snaps off of it more?  I have always used a longer than "supposed" to stick, so I could take out the whole plug and have it be at the "correct" height.  Think that would help any?  My shot doesnt suck, I just dont think it "pops" off the blade like some people can get it to do.

remember at your chin is as tall as it should ever be. I say for at your chin should be a 4.5 or 5 lie. if you cut a inch below go to a 5.5 and see what it does. it sounds like you need to cut your stick shorter and ground your feet more when you release. If it still does not pop you need to get away from the open face hooks.

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I would think it would almost have to make it whippier, unless maybe if the end plug is substantially stiffer than the shaft you're putting it into. Am I dead wrong here ?

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I would think it would almost have to make it whippier, unless maybe if the end plug is substantially stiffer than the shaft you're putting it into. Am I dead wrong here ?

Cutting the shaft makes it more stiffer. I don't think it matters if you put an end plug in. It's the shaft that's being flexed (I don't think the end plug flexes), and if you shorten it, that will hinder its ability to bend.

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Actually i find it easier to shoot wristshots with a 1 inch shorter stick (just below my lip on skates) than a stick that is up to my nose pp.

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I am a defenceman and I use a stick thats just above my nose, I need a longer stick, thats what i'm used too..once again it is all PP

If i get a senior stick i need to just take out the plug but i cut the shaft down an inch or half inch and then put a short plug in

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I would think it would almost have to make it whippier, unless maybe if the end plug is substantially stiffer than the shaft you're putting it into. Am I dead wrong here ?

Cutting the shaft makes it more stiffer. I don't think it matters if you put an end plug in. It's the shaft that's being flexed (I don't think the end plug flexes), and if you shorten it, that will hinder its ability to bend.

You know what, I misread the original post. I thought he meant *if* he cut the stick, THEN added an end plug, would it be stiffer than it was before he put in the end plug. You might be right that the end plug doesn't flex (much), and if so probably because it is too short to really flex, but I could still see it going either way.

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Actually i find it easier to shoot wristshots with a 1 inch shorter stick (just below my lip on skates) than a stick that is up to my nose pp.

"Just below your lip on skates" is not considered short. The general guideline is up to your chin on skates and up to your nose without skates, so if your's goes up to your lip on skates, you are actually using a LONG stick.

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Stick length is really personal, i seen ppl with sticks up to their sholders who can stickhandle and have amazing slapshots. for me below the lip is considered to be short because then i would fan on ever slapper. hmm or mabe it is because of the lie.

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Based on physics alone the stick would be stiffer, however cutting your stick down might enable you to get a little more leverage on your shot, resulting in you getting more kick out of the shaft.

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I don't think the flex will alter that much, especially since most sticks now are based to flex lower, so cutting from the top won't have as much an impact as cutting from the bottom. You can also consider the Oggie grip as it a flex within it. They claim it makes your shot harder, I didn't experience it, but I was told my stick was too stiff for me to notice. Apperantly under 100 flex is best to see the performance benefits and you should shoot fairly hard with it to start off with.

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