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retiring numbers?

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I read that article the other day that the Habs will retire #12 for two guys. Cournoyer and Moore I think. Suddenly this question just ran through my mind. Can a player have his number retired with 2 Teams? I mean guys like Messier or most recently MacInnis as well. They basically spent the majority of their careers for 2 teams. I.E. the Blues will retire #2 while he had his most succesful years with the Flames (1 Cup), though. So I actually wanted to know if they can be retired by two teams or if not how do they determine which of them has the "right" to retire the number? Sort of a stupid questin, I know....yet I´m curious. :rolleyes:

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Pretty sure they can since Bobby Hull had his retired with Chicago and Winnephoenix. Then there's Gretzky whose is universally retired like Jackie Robinson's was supposed to be.

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So I actually wanted to know if they can be retired by two teams or if not how do they determine which of them has the "right" to retire the number? Sort of a stupid questin, I know....yet I´m curious. rolleyes.gif

Considering the Avalanche retired Bourque's number before Boston did, there can't be any rules.

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As much as I agree with #9 and #2, I do like the Toronto system of "honored numbers". Look at Montreal and how few "normal" numbers are available to current players.

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I think the Yanks test will come soon as we get further out from Donnie, Paulie and Bernie..

I love Paulie and Bernie.but..don't really know if their #'s should be put in there with Yogi, Joe D, et. al..Steinbrenner loves Donnie too much not to retire 23..

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