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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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colored laces

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i came across this site while i was searching for a pic of the graf 502se's. i noticed they had skate laces in all kinds of colors, including hot pink. looks like they have blue, red, yellow, hot pink, orange, and more. i remember a ton of you were looking for pink laces awhile back so here u go.


sorry-lookin site if you ask me...never used them before, just came across it by chance. looks to be a small local sports store with a home-made site.

still don't see this fascination with pink but i thought i'd share nonetheless

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i came across this site while i was searching for a pic of the graf 502se's. i noticed they had skate laces in all kinds of colors, including hot pink. looks like they have blue, red, yellow, hot pink, orange, and more. i remember a ton of you were looking for pink laces awhile back so here u go.


sorry-lookin site if you ask me...never used them before, just came across it by chance. looks to be a small local sports store with a home-made site.

still don't see this fascination with pink but i thought i'd share nonetheless

I Friggin hate websites with music playing that you can't turn off!! Arghh!

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I like how they spelt "stabalizers", and did it more than once. I should be getting my 502SE's in a little while here, I'll snap some pics when I get em if you want.

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Under Hefter Helmets they wrote "This helmet is in more demand than any other in hockey today!!" I don't think they're even certified yet.

:D Yea, call them and see if they have any. hehe.

Also, looks just about everything in their store is priced high retail, higher than LHS's, no deals there.

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they are located around me. there prices are a little high on some things but you can find some steals there. 2 summers ago they had prostock XN10's for $149cad im kickin myseklf for one getting one cuz every else here they are still $279. also they had some prostock tapered XN10 shaft they were marked as response xn10 tho not R2Xn10

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hey, like i said..the site looks crappy and i've never used them before. i just happened across it. i remember there was a thread a while back, people were lookin for pink laces and couldn't find them anywhere.

tokes... i found some decent pics, but thanks for the offer!

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Under Hefter Helmets they wrote "This helmet is in more demand than any other in hockey today!!" I don't think they're even certified yet.

In demand by the dealers that ordered them

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