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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pulling the Blade out of an OPS

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Basically what I'm after is to know if once the blade is pulled out. Is the shaft dimensions at the hossel large enough to accept a senior standard blade like a Synthesis, XV, L2, R2 would be, or is the taper on OPS's usually to a smaller degree where a SR blade wouldn't go in

you will probably have to take all of the glue off of a standered tapered to get it in either a XN10 or XX shaft that you took the blade out of. TPS tapered blade fit loosly in all tapered shafts ive had and it fits snug in the XN10 shaft.

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I know XN10's and Vapor XX can be. To take it out you just heat the area by the blade, fuse point i think, then after awhile you can just pull it out.

I, too, have done this with both an XN10 and XX (heated, got the blade in a vice, and yanked HARD - got blade and hosel out of the shaft).

It can also be done with an M1 (although, my M1 may have been different than a standard retail - I did it with my "special" pro stock, but have heard others do it with at least early retail models as well).

You can't do it with a Synnergy.

I have tried to do it on a V120, and so far as I can tell at least, you can't do it with that (in fact, the inside of the shaft is so irregular as it's vacuum formed over some sort of sleeve that you will not likely be able to re-use a V120 as a tapered shaft - best just to cut, flip, and be done with it or just trash it in general).

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Yes, when I pulled the blade out I had separate shaft and blade. But as mentioned, the blade's hosel was far too thin to be used in another SENIOR shaft. Perhaps junior. I don't have any so I couldn't tell you. And to answer the other side of your question, the XX shaft MIGHT take a junior blade at the fuse point. I don't know.

As I mentioned, I was able to get a TPS R2 blade in at the fuse point, with the help of a little tape around the hosel. It did not get loose on me either. I just don't like TPS blades, and gave up. No other brands fit in the fusepoint. And like I said, if I had cut up a little more on the shaft, perhaps the taper would have widenend and accepted another brand. Pure speculation on my part though.

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Strange. I had one too, and 2 Easton comp Synthesis blades, and they fit the least well. There was no way I was gettin them in there. Mission L2 almost fit, and like I said the TPS did fit, with some room to spare.

I wish I could fit Easton blades in it, they my favs.

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Yes, when I pulled the blade out I had separate shaft and blade. But as mentioned, the blade's hosel was far too thin to be used in another SENIOR shaft. Perhaps junior. I don't have any so I couldn't tell you. And to answer the other side of your question, the XX shaft MIGHT take a junior blade at the fuse point. I don't know.

As I mentioned, I was able to get a TPS R2 blade in at the fuse point, with the help of a little tape around the hosel. It did not get loose on me either. I just don't like TPS blades, and gave up. No other brands fit in the fusepoint. And like I said, if I had cut up a little more on the shaft, perhaps the taper would have widenend and accepted another brand. Pure speculation on my part though.

Actually, I was able to use an old Mission (radiant?) tapered as well as an Inno - both are slightly smaller in dimension than Easton.

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Can you pull the blade out of a Synergy SL?

Also, for those of you that have had SL's and they have broke, where have they broke? ive now had 2 of them break in the same place on the right on the heel of the blade. and one of my teammates has had one break in the same spot also.

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Yes, when I pulled the blade out I had separate shaft and blade. But as mentioned, the blade's hosel was far too thin to be used in another SENIOR shaft. Perhaps junior. I don't have any so I couldn't tell you. And to answer the other side of your question, the XX shaft MIGHT take a junior blade at the fuse point. I don't know.

As I mentioned, I was able to get a TPS R2 blade in at the fuse point, with the help of a little tape around the hosel. It did not get loose on me either. I just don't like TPS blades, and gave up. No other brands fit in the fusepoint. And like I said, if I had cut up a little more on the shaft, perhaps the taper would have widenend and accepted another brand. Pure speculation on my part though.

Actually, I was able to use an old Mission (radiant?) tapered as well as an Inno - both are slightly smaller in dimension than Easton.

I thought "Ether" was tapered.

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Yes, when I pulled the blade out I had separate shaft and blade. But as mentioned, the blade's hosel was far too thin to be used in another SENIOR shaft. Perhaps junior. I don't have any so I couldn't tell you. And to answer the other side of your question, the XX shaft MIGHT take a junior blade at the fuse point. I don't know.

As I mentioned, I was able to get a TPS R2 blade in at the fuse point, with the help of a little tape around the hosel. It did not get loose on me either. I just don't like TPS blades, and gave up. No other brands fit in the fusepoint. And like I said, if I had cut up a little more on the shaft, perhaps the taper would have widenend and accepted another brand. Pure speculation on my part though.

Actually, I was able to use an old Mission (radiant?) tapered as well as an Inno - both are slightly smaller in dimension than Easton.

I thought "Ether" was tapered.

Ahh.... there ya go - ether, not radiant. Please mark Chadd for the assist on the score sheet ;)

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was wondering if u could do this to a mission m1?

Yep, I just cut the bottom of mine above the blade though. I figured cutting would be easier. I just don't have any tapered blades lying around, that and no end plugs. The shaft is about 46 1/2" long now, and a bit too stiff for me. It started life as an 85 flex however.

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was wondering if u could do this to a mission m1?

Yep, I just cut the bottom of mine above the blade though. I figured cutting would be easier. I just don't have any tapered blades lying around, that and no end plugs. The shaft is about 46 1/2" long now, and a bit too stiff for me. It started life as an 85 flex however.

can u reuse the blade after? mine feels really stiff too, and its a 85flex

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I think that with a clean heat-up and pull out the blade can be re-useable. I broke mine, so I stuck a Modano in the other end. Hate that curve. Wase of the cash for a Si-Core blade in that event. But now I have a shaft I don't want and a blade I don't want. Stinks because I don't feel like selling over the internet.

Edit: Let me add: In certain sticks.

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Can you pull the blade out of a Synergy SL?

Also, for those of you that have had SL's and they have broke, where have they broke? ive now had 2 of them break in the same place on the right on the heel of the blade. and one of my teammates has had one break in the same spot also.

No way with the SL i had a SL cut ops and i cut it myselft and really...there no way you can

By the way, is your shaft grip?? if yes would you pm me!?? maybe we could end up a little deal! ;)

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on a stealth the whole shaft is hollow right down to where its actually woven bladeish.

like a synergy has like a blade inserted to it and fused together while a stealth i believe is an actual one piece.

im mad cuz i coulda cut it much lower but i thougt it was like a synergy so i cut at the patent pending.


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A friend of mine has a Vapor XX Custom Pro OPS that broke mid-blade, he cut it off right above the blade an flipped it to accept standard blades. Thinking about makeing it a Taper shaft, but the tenon is still inside, what would be the best solution? Chiesel it, or heat it op and try to knock the tenon through the bottom (at the other end) of the shaft?

Or maybe hammer a nail in the tenon, put it in a vice and heat it op?

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