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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What would happen to the Canadiens...

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...if Quebec seperated from Canada? Would the team need to be moved or have a name change? Its just with Quebec being its own country, 'Canadiens' wouldn't sound right. The Montreal Quebecers maybe? :blink:

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I think they would leave it because of the heritage of the team name. One of the original six teams, DEAL WITH IT i say

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Yes some of the political(Sorry, the word is not very familiar to me) are thinking about it but they have to win the election and then pass the vote. even if they would win, I don't think the vote would pass, anyway, why do they want to seperate, I don't have a clue.

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no it doesnt thats a mythi that got me too. on nhl.com the h in the jersey sttands for club de hockey, but yes the canadiens are also the habitants. also quebec will never seperate, i sure hope there arent any seperatists on this board. the last team quebec will ever have is the nordiquees, ya i call them nordiquees

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