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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does Anyone Know Where I Can Get A.......

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does anyone know of any websites where i can get any innovative sticks or shafts??


Does anyone know if and where warrior sticks and gloves are available fror retail?

thanks :)

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when i got my inno shaft, i just went into my local cleves source for sports, and asked the manager about them. and sure enough, he had a couple ordered in for me. he said he could get me any stick i wanted, so i told him, and in 2 weeks it was in.

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Inno's are no longer hard to find. Tons of places have them, including ones already mentioned, 1800faceoff, etc.

Warrior, however, I have not seen anywhere (in stores, or otherwise). Atleast their website is finally up, though (but, it's just a teaser thus far - no details): http://www.warriorhockey.com/

Oddly... Modano, who has a big reebok contract, has been using a Warrior stick the past 3 or 4 games. Wonder how the Reebok people like that, as I thought part of his deal was he had to use Reebok stuff or black it out.

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If you live in Toronto, National Sports has some inno stuff, but I talked to one of the store managers and he said that they'd slowly be phasing the stuff out as it "doesn't move as quickly as the other stuff" (people must be crazy, I love their sticks) Toronto Hockey Repair's got some stuff. I'm sure Just Hockey and their Source for Sports affiliates should have some too. Surprisingly enough, the shop at Chesswood arenas has a better selection than most I've seen.

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which National did you go to? I work at the one in Mississauga on Dundas, I dont think we are phasing out Inno, no way. Last year we did clearout the True1 at 129.99 that was a good deal.

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If you live in Toronto, National Sports has some inno stuff, but I talked to one of the store managers and he said that they'd slowly be phasing the stuff out as it "doesn't move as quickly as the other stuff" (people must be crazy, I love their sticks) Toronto Hockey Repair's got some stuff. I'm sure Just Hockey and their Source for Sports affiliates should have some too. Surprisingly enough, the shop at Chesswood arenas has a better selection than most I've seen.

It makes sense to me. I've seen maybe 3 inno shafts between 3 National Sports stores...

I would guess that the majority of people that buy gear at National are more inclined to buy the heavily marketed "mainstream," manufacturers like Easton and Bauer, although some stores do seem pretty well stocked on Tackla pants...

Just Hockey is where I got my inno shaft.

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very few ppl know about Inno, its hard to convince someone who is looking for an Easton or Bauer to look at Inno stick, they think its a no name company which makes me laugh. So many misconceptions with customers its unbelievable however for the customers who buy the Inno sticks they always come back telling us how much they love them.

We used to carry a good selection of Inno but now we wont be carrying a a good selection of any shafts because of the fact that most ppl are using OPS now. The most you see now are lots of Easton shafts, couple vectors and the r2, thats about it. But we carry a good selection of Inno OPS at our store.

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which National did you go to? I work at the one in Mississauga on Dundas, I dont think we are phasing out Inno, no way. Last year we did clearout the True1 at 129.99 that was a good deal.

I talked to the manager of the Yonge/Shepherd store. Bought an inno 1100 shaft there. Love the thing to death. BTW, u guys like polarfibre?

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We used to carry a good selection of Inno but now we wont be carrying a a good selection of any shafts because of the fact that most ppl are using OPS now. The most you see now are lots of Easton shafts, couple vectors and the r2, thats about it. But we carry a good selection of Inno OPS at our store.

Are you kidding me?! :huh:

Where the hell does everyone get the $$ to use OPSes?! I thought shafts and woodies were still the biggest sellers on the retail market. Although I suppose lotsa kids these days are somehow convincing their parents that it's a good idea to drop $200-300 on a stick for their 10 year old. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if the majority of retail OPS users were kids/teens, and not full blown adults...

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which National did you go to? I work at the one in Mississauga on Dundas, I dont think we are phasing out Inno, no way. Last year we did clearout the True1 at 129.99 that was a good deal.

I talked to the manager of the Yonge/Shepherd store. Bought an inno 1100 shaft there. Love the thing to death. BTW, u guys like polarfibre?

Not much for polarfibre...feels like it'll shred my palms...

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its true we sell more OPS than shafts because, firstly there is a good market for cheaper OPS like the TPS Intrigue, Easton One, Bauer Vapor VI etc which retail between $100- $120 CDN for a senior. Then we carry even cheaper ones like some Hesplers and the Vic Velocity's which we retail at $59.99, which is senior pricing. Shafts arent as big of a seller as they once were.

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the national has a hard time moving inno becuase their inno ops are overpriced. i saw the 1100 fused for over $300, and because inno is not a mainstream brand not many people will buy their sticks at that price.

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the national has a hard time moving inno becuase their inno ops are overpriced. i saw the 1100 fused for over $300, and because inno is not a mainstream brand not many people will buy their sticks at that price.

wth you talking about our 1100 fused are 249.99 and the True1 is 329.99 or 349.99 i dont remember

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perani's has some inno. shafts, blades, ops. they are even blowing out true-1 2 for $159.99USD i belive. only had LH left. they also have warrior pro return, for 159.99USD. the pro returns they have are draper(lh) maltby(rh soft grip) and shanny (rh, very boxy)

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