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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just got my l-2!

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man the 2 does stand for that! ill type exactly what it says since its hard to get a pic of it.

L = Low connection shaft (For faster puck release)

2 = 2 Blades (One connected and once replacement) with every purchase

Then what does M-2 stand for?

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Kovy, don't worry man, most 2 pieces make a crackle the first time you flex it after it has not been used for a while.

My shaft/blade's have made a cracking sound for as long as I can remember, they usually all do.

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I would say it's the glue breaking, especially if you can't notice paint flaking anywhere.

Sorry for not being more clear in my last post, this is what I was getting at. Nothing to worry about Kovy.

So lets leave this.

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He already said....read the thread.

NO YOU read the thread... he doesnt say

Jeez, please forgive me for getting two threads mixed up when Kovy's stick is mentioned in both...

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news flash, it wasnt a crack sound from the glue settling, it was the blade. i took a couple shots with it and the blade broke off the hossel and then the blade flew like 20 feet Damnit! Ive taken like 10 shots with it. There goes one blade :angry:

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I don't know what to tell you. If you mean "expected", I'd say you're lucky that you got a L-2 as your replacement, with two blades. Pretty damn generous on Mission's behalf.

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If it wasn't a warranty replacement you could get a new blade because they are waranteed as well I believe. I'd still just be happy you were able to get an L-2.

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