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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Heatley

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I can't believe a player would be so stupid or so stubborn, and not realize they are using a wrong lie. Fine, you don't know what one is...but you accept the fact that the puck keeps going under your heel? Man, people are dumb.

I don't doubt you Chad. I know from experience. I'll say, "Hey what blade is that? What's the lie?" And people will respond, "It's a (Insert Pattern here). Lie? What the hell? I dunno, but I like the curve."

Curve is the most important. But lie is at least second. A few weeks ago I got a Marleau prostock blade. Swore it was a 5 or 5.5 at most. Played one shift with it...waaaaay off. Took it home, measured it, turned out to be a 6. Haven't used it since.

But to think there are people out there that just keep playing with bad lies cuz they are clueless about what it is (and how important it is)...damn. Just..Damn!

Them -"Why does the heel on my stick keep splitting?"

Me - It's the wrong lie.

Them - "huh?"

Me - 5 minute speech including demonstration

Them - "Just give me another Sakic"

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Sadly, I can see that exactly. Let me guess, teenager too? Most people my age just want a Sakic because it's popular... Strange, I can't get used to it, I tried one and way too open, and the lie kinda sucks for the blade...

And, I recently bought a 6 lie Montreal 8850 stick with European curve, damn lie, I hate it so much. Of course my parents just think a curve is a curve and leave it at that and wonder why I'm so picky... But I think I need to cut that stick even shoter... My 5.5 lie Coffey is about mid-neck area on me, and I can shoot fine, just whif on slappers some times... lol other times, it's okay except for the annoyingly soft blade.

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5 lie Iginla w/ square toe.

Awesome! I'll be all over this pattern. Hopefully we get some similar patterns from the other companies as well.

Of Course, I'd like to have a couple OPS options in a Bourque, but hey we're on the right track! ;)

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i've tried to switch to a lower lie, but it's taking a lot of adjusting to. i'm only 5'9, and when on ice my sticks up to my collarbone, and i'm using a vapor xx jokinen, and can't stand the 5 lie on it. i thought going down to a 5 lie, having the middle portion of the blade on the ice, would help, but it hasn't. i find i was much better off with a higher lie, such as that of the lecalvier and lidstrom. it may be my style for stick handling and whatnot, but i feel i was far better off with those curves, shooting off the heel rather then the middle-toe portion of the blade. then again, it may all be adjustment. i bought a sweet wedge/drury like custom sherwood blade the other day, but it's a 4.5 lie at the most, and have to put a nasty extension in my shaft to be able to get the most out of the blade for shooting purposes.

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....and when on ice my sticks up to my collarbone....

That's why you can't use a lower lie, you use a stick that is very short.

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....and when on ice my sticks up to my collarbone....

That's why you can't use a lower lie, you use a stick that is very short.

i have to. only way i can stick handle. i use a deep knee bend from wearing grafs while skating, so i'm a lot shorter on the ice when skating and shooting

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I have one question I would like to clear up. I loosely understand the difference in lie and what not. I was wondering what the distinct benefit of higher and lower lies. I have heard that a higher lie produces a quicker shot but what about lower lies. Stick handdling? Is there any other performance differences?


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It's just where the puck is. I feel jammed with lower lies and it hurts both my shooting and puck handling. Alot of guys who play in tight close to the net like higher lies.

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I have one question I would like to clear up. I loosely understand the difference in lie and what not. I was wondering what the distinct benefit of higher and lower lies. I have heard that a higher lie produces a quicker shot but what about lower lies. Stick handdling? Is there any other performance differences?


Having the right lie for your posture and stick length is the important thing. There isn't really a benefit in higher lies or lower lies.

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5 lie Iginla w/ square toe.

Now thats sounds great


P.S I checked the Easton website - and a pick of the Heatley curve doesent seem to be up there - where would i find it ?

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HockeyPunk,look uptop when you go into the ice hockey section

Where? all i see is the 2005 catalog reviews.


Never mind - i just signed in to post this message --now it popped up. Preety tricky.

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I dont get it guys, why would they make another clone of iggy but change the lie by .5 and make the courner square(because you have to admit that the iggy is pretty square with rounded corner...)

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I dont get it guys, why would they make another clone of iggy but change the lie by .5 and make the courner square(because you have to admit that the iggy is pretty square with rounded corner...)

I dont understand it either. Maybe their Curve designers are slacking.

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