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Best deal for an I pod?

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Hey guys, its about time where I get an i pod to listen to music on the way to games. I dont really want the nano, I think its too small. I would like an I pod mini but I guess they stopped making them. Ive been looking on the net and there all over 200 for a 4gb which is what I want. I was wondering where you guys got yours from and how much you payed. Any particular place where you can get the best deal? Im looking to spend $175. Would you reccomend buying one off of ebay or a refurbished one? Any help would be great, thanks.

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Good luck trying to find one...they're all sold out for the holidays. If you do find one, consider yourself lucky, very very lucky.

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Most popular iPod+ discontinued+ holiday season= almost impossible to find one. Your best bet is looking for a refurbished one at the iPod store or looking at the nano or 5G ipod. If none of those options work for you, you should check out the zen microphoto as its the next best thing.

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Yeah, I was thinking about getting the Zen. My cousin has one and she said she really likes it

nooooooo. Apple Products only!!!! ONLY. I have a 4GB nano that I will sell to you for 150 shipped, tis black, and tis sexy. I know you said you didnt want one, but for 150?! I have no need for it anymore, after I got a new 60 gig video ipod. Shoot me a PM or IM me on aim, f0pah is the name.

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Yeah, I was thinking about getting the Zen. My cousin has one and she said she really likes it

nooooooo. Apple Products only!!!! ONLY. I have a 4GB nano that I will sell to you for 150 shipped, tis black, and tis sexy. I know you said you didnt want one, but for 150?! I have no need for it anymore, after I got a new 60 gig video ipod. Shoot me a PM or IM me on aim, f0pah is the name.

Did you get a black or white video? I cant make up my mind!

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at the campus store here, they're selling the 30 gig video ipod for 339.99 cdn i think. all i know, is that it's cheaper then it is at retail stores such as radioshack, the source, and future shop. i'm thinking of picking one up if i don't have to blow another $500 on text books for next semester.

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It would be $40 bucks cheaper.

there ya go then. money saved, you can use towards the itrip or something else. i thought it was a sick deal compared to others. i was either going to get that here, or get a friend of mine who's playing down in lewiston to pick one up down there for me.

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Im getting a mini iPod for xmas,My mom left it out and I saw it. The price tag said $100,but I have no clue where she got it.

You could always try eBay.

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at the campus store here, they're selling the 30 gig video ipod for 339.99 cdn i think. all i know, is that it's cheaper then it is at retail stores such as radioshack, the source, and future shop. i'm thinking of picking one up if i don't have to blow another $500 on text books for next semester.

what school are you going to where you're getting that deal?

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at the campus store here, they're selling the 30 gig video ipod for 339.99 cdn i think. all i know, is that it's cheaper then it is at retail stores such as radioshack, the source, and future shop. i'm thinking of picking one up if i don't have to blow another $500 on text books for next semester.

what school are you going to where you're getting that deal?

dalhousie...i just checked, and they're listed as $345, not $399.99. still cheaper then most retailers.

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i dont get all this talk of iPods being sold out for the holidays....i was at the mall today and the Virgin store had over 10 of the Video ones in stock right there behind the counter to sell. :blink:

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