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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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trouble sleeping

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i actually close my eyes and try to see things that help me relax, knocks me out.

during the summer i had some gf problems so only a 6 pack would put me out, dont do that tho lol.

worse comes to worse you know what to do to make you tired quick.

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One of my mates needs a fan on to sleep or he cant sleep all night

same with a guy on my team, he cant sleep unless the windows are open and the fan is on full blast :rolleyes: we had a chilly sleep over

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One of my mates needs a fan on to sleep or he cant sleep all night

same with a guy on my team, he cant sleep unless the windows are open and the fan is on full blast :rolleyes: we had a chilly sleep over

thats pritty much the same way i am i dont need a fan on anymore tho but i need a window open.

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Lol i see your window open every morning even when its like -10. Im like WOW. I sleep with like +20 C. Its so comfortable to wake up with in the morning. Especially on the cold winter mornings.

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