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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just saw the Nike Bauer 06 Catalogue at work

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how does one go about getting a registration number for bauerbiz?

And Jbyun, u work at the hockey shop right? Do you guys have stock in the one90? (someone mentioned u did)

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And Jbyun, u work at the hockey shop right? Do you guys have stock in the one90? (someone mentioned u did)

yeah and one90s? I wish :lol:

The closest we ever got to a one90 was our rep bringing in one of the pro's skates, i can't remember his name, might have been Daley

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yah, a owner of a local store seemed to think you and cylcone taylor would've had your hands on some stock pretty quickly, but i was sceptical.

Speaking of reps, do you deal at all with john davidson? he handled my warranties last year, i skated with him a couple times over the spring, and he was present at hockey camp showcasing the new gear for sportchek. Nice guy.

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yah, a owner of a local store seemed to think you and cylcone taylor would've had your hands on some stock pretty quickly, but i was sceptical.

Speaking of reps, do you deal at all with john davidson? he handled my warranties last year, i skated with him a couple times over the spring, and he was present at hockey camp showcasing the new gear for sportchek. Nice guy.

i think so

we call him J.D

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but lhs will have plenty of stock left of the regulars n the nbh xxx lite is nothing new just a new paint/stick on the stick n besides where i saw it they had olympic rbk sticks for sale which are rare so i guess for now the NBH xxx lite is too, rare

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I heard that the Bauer XXX lite was way lighter than the NBH XXX lite, cause they used less ink on the branding! Should be about 0.00001 grams. LOL!

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cause nikes sweet. and thats the new model

And I only use CCM equipment because it has the letter C in it.....

Truth be told, I love CCM but not because of that :D

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One thing I'd like to know is if anyone here has had a chance to try on the One90 or Supreme 70 gloves and if they are comfortable/light, etc.

Anyone know?

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