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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AHL teams and their equipment...

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so I went to see a game between the Houston Aeros and the Milwaukee Admirals tonight, and sat right by the Admirals bench before and during the warmup. For grins, I took a look at the players alternate sticks (the Admirals, since that was the bench I was sitting by), and except for one player, they were all using CCM 120's or 130's with the one different player using a RBK... NO Vapor's to be found - thought that was strange.

There were a lot of players on both teams playing with Bauer XX or XXX skates, but I was curious to why no-one was using their sticks. Does anyone know if a team buys the sticks (on a team basis), or is it on a per-player basis? If a team buys CCM-brand then I could understand it, but I thought it weird that no-one was using something other than CCM-related.

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there is a contract deal between the ahl and the hockey company for stick here is an article that will give you more info. http://www.amerks.com/PressReleases.aspx?news_id=575 . i know there is a figure that the team pays or is paid for a years supply of sticks no matter how many break.

edit: heres another http://en.ccmsports.com/news/view_news.php?pr_id=166&s=0

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cool - thanks guys - I figured there must be some kind of deal. So I guess if a player prefers another brand, they have to get used to THC goods, or get someone to paint up their current equipment to look like one.

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im not 100% sure about this but i remember an announcer saying somthing during the ahl all star game last year that a certain number of players on a team are able to wear non-THC stick helmet gloves under certain circumstances. I know i saw a guy that played for the Rochester Americans using a synergy st. but im not sure how it works

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There were a number of posts with some of the regulations of the agreement when it happened. Two teams chose not to take part, a couple guys can use other sticks, they can use any skates, only THC gloves and helmets.

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And the USHL, CHL with RBK/CCM.

In the CHL players can use any stick that they want as THC has no stick deal with the CHL.

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