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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Wax

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I was wondering what stick wax you guys use? I Freddy's Stick Wax and that seems to work well and also Sex Wax. My friend gave me Sex Wax a while ago and now its almost gone. From www.sexwax.com , what wax should I get? Should I stick with regualr Sex Wax or go to the new Hockey Wax? Or should I go something different? So my question is: what stick wax do you use and what is the best to use?

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I'm a cheap bastard. I use regular candle wax (well, not regular - I use the butt-ends of scented candles that my girlfriend used to like to burn around my equipment. She said it helped ward off the stink, but I think she was secretly hoping it'd catch it on fire ;) ).

ANYWAY, I use the scented stuff because it contains more oil in it and found it to be slightly better in fighting off moisture. Of course, I didn't try anything even close to scientific to prove this out.....

BUT, I have found it to be pretty good in helping the tape last longer. I have never tried any of the stick waxes you mention to say if it's better or worse. I just apply the wax to the tape, and use a hair dryer to melt it into the tape. Works great for my purposes. Although, I do sometimes catch myself wondering why my stick smells like vanilla when propping myself up with my stick between periods waiting for the ref's to get to center ice.

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I use whatever's around because to me, wax is wax. I've used Zoggs but that's because I've got it for surfboards anyway. I like Snap Wax if I had to pick though.

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I use Zogg's as well. It works good and it lasts forever. I ordered 15 over a year ago and I just opened my second one. I play 3-4 times a week and redo my stick every time.

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If i'm at home I use candles (non scented :-D) and if I'm at the rink I get this stuff from my teammate, I think its stick butter or something. Its in this little silver, deodorant style container. Its real tacky at first, makes doing the michigan move and stupid things like that simple for the first 10 minutes of practice haha! It keeps the tape good for awhile, I usually dont have to redo it everytime I play.

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Fire, that deoderant style wax...wouldn't be Easton's wax would it? My little bro had some a few years ago. Looked exactly how you described...silver deoderant style.

I use regular old paraffin wax. I get the kind that they used to seal Mason Jars. Like what people put preserves and pickling stuff in. It's cheap, and lasts forever. Comes in like 6 precut blocks about an inch thick.

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OK. Stupid question from the new player. Do you just rub it on after you tape the blade, or do you have to heat it up so it soaks into the tape a little bit? Any down side to not using it? Any plusses with using it?

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OK. Stupid question from the new player. Do you just rub it on after you tape the blade, or do you have to heat it up so it soaks into the tape a little bit? Any down side to not using it? Any plusses with using it?

#1. Rub it on, heat it and let it melt in. (taliking about the wax boys!) :huh:

#2. It helps keep wood blades from absobing water and losing stiffness.

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I use and many of my customers use BLADE SPRAY. It's not as gooey as wax, just adds enough texture. The main feature however is that it adds durability to your tape, making it last about 5 times longer. It also waterproofs your tape, prevents snow build up too.

For regular waxes, the A&R works great, just as good as the name brand ones, for much less.

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OK, so to drag this thread from the dead: I just got some of that A&R wax, and it comes in a little jar. How do I apply it? Just scoop and shmear or what? And what should I use to heat it after application, a heat gun or a hair dryer?

Obviously, have never tried this stuff before. :unsure:

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OK, so to drag this thread from the dead: I just got some of that A&R wax, and it comes in a little jar. How do I apply it? Just scoop and shmear or what? And what should I use to heat it after application, a heat gun or a hair dryer?

Obviously, have never tried this stuff before. :unsure:

Yup just scoop some out and spread it on. You can rub it in pretty good and not use heat if you want. If you do use heat, a heat gun will work but don't heat it that much, it will just melt away.

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I use and many of my customers use BLADE SPRAY. It's not as gooey as wax, just adds enough texture. The main feature however is that it adds durability to your tape, making it last about 5 times longer. It also waterproofs your tape, prevents snow build up too.

For regular waxes, the A&R works great, just as good as the name brand ones, for much less.

I use blade spray but I dont like the smell. A couple times I have thought i was going to puke cause of it in a few practices

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