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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanahan curve

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Does anyone know why Easton decided to not make the shanahan curve in a OPS, I personally thought it was a popular curve...guess they didnt think so huh? I noticed mission stopped with the cole too which is pretty much the same curve. Does any one know if they will bring these back to a OPS???

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Umm, how did this get here? Was this a Mod-moved topic or did Heatley just repost this question here?

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Yeah well around here its a pretty popular curve along side the lidstrom, thats ok tho I looked at the bauer Gagne and its the same curve so i'll probbly just use that or the ccm Recchi which is kinda similar but a little bit shorter...

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shanny did not resign with easton. he is using warrior (old news). because he did not resign with easton they can no longer use his name on a pattern. they can however rename the pattern, keeping it the exact same. i also used the shanny pattern for 5 yrs, and was quite upset that easton no longer uses it. try looking around for older syngerys, i know jr's shop has about 6 si-cores rh in hte shanny.

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Yeah the heatley is kinda similar but its a 5 lie instead of a 6 like the shanny and recchi.

And....damn I wish i was a righty:(

Thats ok, my LHS has 2 synthesis shanny blades so I will probbly just get those and get the mission L-2 or something... I hear its lighter and stronger than the synthesis shaft and the warranty is 45 days instead of 30.

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Yeah the heatley is kinda similar but its a 5 lie instead of a 6 like the shanny and recchi.

And....damn I wish i was a righty:(

Thats ok, my LHS has 2 synthesis shanny blades so I will probbly just get those and get the mission L-2 or something... I hear its lighter and stronger than the synthesis shaft and the warranty is 45 days instead of 30.

There are still Shanny OPS floating around on Ebay.

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Well I disagree with the recchi being a 5 lie, look on the ccmhockey website http://en.ccmsports.com/catalog/specs/sticks/patterns.php its got a 6 lie...At least my vector 120 does. And the gagne is still available in the XX and XXX at least for now. I dont know about 06 tho. If thats the case then I find a new curve, no biggie. Just would like to avoid doing that, cuz i've been using the shanahan since ive started playing even back when it was the roenick.

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Well the new roenick is diffrent then the old one, but my old graphite blade in the roenick pattern was the same as the current shanny. And if the recchi plays like a 5, I hope the new easton heatley plays like a 6 eventho its listed as a 5. I'll probbly get it regardless....

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Well the new roenick is diffrent then the old one, but my old graphite blade in the roenick pattern was the same as the current shanny. And if the recchi plays like a 5, I hope the new easton heatley plays like a 6 eventho its listed as a 5. I'll probbly get it regardless....

I don't think their is a "new Roenick", possibly his pro-stock? Mine is about 8 years old. Round toe.

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Well the graphite I had was same as the shanahan and this was years ago, maybe the wood one has the round toe. One of my buddies has the round toe'd roenick and it's wood...

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The Koho Jagr was also similar to the Shanahan if you can find them anymore. I have some closeout Shanahan's at my store. Lefts and rights, yellow grips and orange si-cores. All 100 flex.

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The Koho Jagr was also similar to the Shanahan if you can find them anymore. I have some closeout Shanahan's at my store. Lefts and rights, yellow grips and orange si-cores. All 100 flex.

Not all Jagrs are shanny clones. I think the current Jagrs are heels.

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