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Mission 10000 Gloves

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Found these at epuck:

Mission He10000

I haven't seen them anywhere else.

Any opinions, thoughts on them? They look alot like the He750, which I like but want to get an opinion before I order them, if anyone has even touched them yet.

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I haven't tried on the He 10000 yet, but it looks like a very nice glove. I wear '03 Mission M-1 gloves and I am pleased with them. Mission gloves seem pretty durable, lightweight, and protetective. I doubt you will be disapointed If you order them.

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my 10000s should be here by the end of the week. I'll let you know how they are when they come in.

If you can perhaps let me know too, greatly appreciated Chadd.

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my 10000s should be here by the end of the week. I'll let you know how they are when they come in.

If you can perhaps let me know too, greatly appreciated Chadd.

I'll even post a pic of my shiny new white gloves. B)

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i just got my gloves yesterday, the 14 inch ones and i think they have a tight fit, compared to the L7 gloves, they are very stiff and the fingers move well, i like them alot, im not complaining but in comparison to my other pair of gloves, i think the L7s are better, but there not a bad choice at all, there good gloves

but also personally, i think the L7 gloves are the best gloves ive ever used, and i havent used eagles either, but i love my L7s

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I cant say I like those white 10000 gloves. The other colors kill the look. Not so much the silver, but the black, especially where it is placed, makes it look ugly. And I usually think white gloves look nice.

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i just got my gloves yesterday, the 14 inch ones and i think they have a tight fit, compared to the L7 gloves, they are very stiff and the fingers move well, i like them alot, im not complaining but in comparison to my other pair of gloves, i think the L7s are better, but there not a bad choice at all, there good gloves

but also personally, i think the L7 gloves are the best gloves ive ever used, and i havent used eagles either, but i love my L7s

I like the L7s quite a bit but I have to have Justin's new gloves. My old Heliums were great gloves and held up very well for me.

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Tried on those L7's tonight at the Local Shop. Nice gloves, old school but not as heavy as the old Koho's, thank God. Those things were like bricks.

I may go for the He10000's, they'll look good with my Stan Mikita helmet

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my 10000s should be here by the end of the week. I'll let you know how they are when they come in.

Did you get them?

How do you like them?

Would a 14 inch Mission 10000 fit anything like the RBK:s 14" :wacko:

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Ya just like bauer...Pretty soon there will be vapor XL's and Mission 1000000000 LOL

who cares, as long as they perform well...i love my 10000's...a lot...more than my Eagles i had

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my 10000s should be here by the end of the week. I'll let you know how they are when they come in.

Did you get them?

How do you like them?

Would a 14 inch Mission 10000 fit anything like the RBK:s 14" :ph34r:

I haven't tried on RBKs, I can let you know in about 2 weeks. As for my Missions, I ordered them with my fall booking and last time I talked to customer service they couldn't give me an estimated ship date. So I bought some of the DR legend gloves.

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I haven't tried on the He 10000 yet, but it looks like a very nice glove.

Personally, I think the 10000 is pretty ugly. I like the 750s a lot better. With all the rave reviews on Mission gloves here, I think I might have to try them - shame they don't offer nylon L7s or He750s at retail (which I think are their best looking gloves).

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Don't even say such a thing, I just bought a pair of 750's. The 10000's were fugly.

The 750's are a big change from my TPS's, much tighter fit but lighter. Worth the money.

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10000! I wonder how high the models could go....

Finally someone got my joke..That was the purpose of naming them 10000s...I thought it was funny... :P

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10000! I wonder how high the models could go....

Finally someone got my joke..That was the purpose of naming them 10000s...I thought it was funny... :P

Coming soon: The Bauer Vapor MMCC skates.

:P :o

*edit* spelling

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10000! I wonder how high the models could go....

Finally someone got my joke..That was the purpose of naming them 10000s...I thought it was funny... :P

But you made the 10000 a very nice glove. If it was 1000000000000000, I wouldn't care, it's a nice glove!!! Good job! haha

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