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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove Cleaning Question/Dry Guy Question

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My gloves are crusty and smell like shit even though I dry them out after every game. Will using that funk-free stuff make them fluffy again? Will it clean my digi palms? If I use soap on my digi palms, will it affect their tackyness

Would this dry guy dryer work for my skates and gloves or no?


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How would I go about doing that? I have nash palms, so would it still be safe? And do I rub it in, or sit it on top, put it on both sides, or just one? and then use water or what?

Sorry for all the questions, but making my R2 palms soft again would save me quite a bit of money right about now.

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How would I go about doing that? I have nash palms, so would it still be safe? And do I rub it in, or sit it on top, put it on both sides, or just one? and then use water or what?

Sorry for all the questions, but making my R2 palms soft again would save me quite a bit of money right about now.

Funk free worked on my R2s.

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using shaving cream on your glove as follows. do not use the gels, they don't have lanoilne. they lanoline helps leather stay soft without drying it out. only need to do one side. get some cream on the palm and work it in real good until you have no cream left. repeat as needed. don't wash any of it off, keep working it in.

btw, one of my gloves i played baseball with in high school was my dad's(about 25 yrs old) and in better shape than a couple of mine. he only used shaving cream on it.

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Chadd, do you think that dryer I posted would work?

No, you don't want heat.

Some Dry Guys have a heat/cool air option. I use a Dry Guy and it works great. Most models also have just a cool air option. The model I personally use has heat but it's really not hot, just luke warm air. Does not hurt the palms. I do my skates and gloves after every play. Love it.

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