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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sherwood blades

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im thinking of dropping ops and using a woody ,i dont know what the better wood sticks are but im thinking of getting a 5030. which sherwood blade is closest to a bauer P107 or easton sakic retail? what other wood sticks should i think of?

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yeah ,ive had a synergy and the blade broke so i got a synthesis comp. blade for it ,then i got a response plus and xn10 pro stock ,2 vapour XXX and my dad was gonna get me a lite and my moms pissed off so i just decided id try wood and if i can get by with wood ill use wood from now on.

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I've been very pleased with my Christian 1000 woody's. I'm pretty sure they offer a Sakic clone. As for the 5030's, I'm not overly familiar with their curves, but the Crosby is similar for loft, but more Drury-ish.

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I've been very pleased with my Christian 1000 woody's. I'm pretty sure they offer a Sakic clone. As for the 5030's, I'm not overly familiar with their curves, but the Crosby is similar for loft, but more Drury-ish.

that should be fine ,drurys are pretty popular so i could like it

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FWIW- I use the SherWood 9950. In my opinion the best all-around wood stick on the market. The 7000's and 5030's aren't bad either- lower in price and very popular as far as wood sticks go.

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i was looking at sherwood 5030's the other day for the heck of it and for some reason all the dang curves look the same to me. the havlat, spezza and bouchard all looked modano'ish for some reason. maybe my eyes dont work anymore :blink:

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I like how the Sher-wood 7000s feel in the shop but I've never tried them. I've had 2 5030s but I can't get much more than a week out of them.

My 7000 blade went to hell in about 2 practices. I did like the shaft it had on it though.

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My 7000 blade is hilarious to look at, seriously. I should take a pic later (probably after I take the tape of next time) and put them up. I think everyone would have a general "wtf, how do you use that!?" expression.

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5030's are great sticks, very light wood stick

but last may be 2 weeks (at least for me)

i prefer the zcarbons, last waaaay longer

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5030's are great sticks, very light wood stick

but last may be 2 weeks (at least for me)

Dang I wish my old 5030's lasted that long. I would always get about 1-2 games tops with them. Nice sticks though.

Sher-Wood 7000's are good too. I'm kinda bummed I just broke mine last night. I loved the weight and feel of it.

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How the heck do you guys break/wear-out your wood sticks that fast? Before I purchased my 9950's, I had a Sher-Wood 7000 that last approx 3 months (probably used 25x). in fact, it didn't even break- I tossed it because it was feeling dead and the heel was beginning to splinter. I am extremely tough on sticks (lots of slappers, games, etc) so what am I missing here!?

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How the heck do you guys break/wear-out your wood sticks that fast? Before I purchased my 9950's, I had a Sher-Wood 7000 that last approx 3 months (probably used 25x). in fact, it didn't even break- I tossed it because it was feeling dead and the heel was beginning to splinter. I am extremely tough on sticks (lots of slappers, games, etc) so what am I missing here!?

Maybe you just need a little more lead in your pencil... :lol:

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I can't say I have much to compare them to, but I've used both the Sherwood 5030 and the Easton Z-Carbon. Not sure whether it has anything to do with the stick, but I've been told I have a gift for passing. I guess we'll find out next week when I start using my new Apollo. :D

The Z-Carbon definitely lasted me longer than the 5030, though; I had bought the Z-Carb maybe 3-4 years ago (used for maybe 12-18 months of 3 hours a week street and roller hockey) and ended up hanging up my skates (dislocated knee followed by moving to Texas) until last May. When I picked up ice hockey here, I picked up a new 5030 since the Z-Carb's blade was a little chewed up from playing street hockey.

The 5030's blade started delaminating pretty quickly; I'd say within maybe 12-15 hours of play. I went back to the Z-Carbon when the 5030 went soft on me, and it's lasted maybe 20 hours plus all the roller/street time I put on it.

That said, I didn't tape my blade when I first started ice, and I didn't know about waxing, so you could probably double those numbers easily by just taping and waxing carefully. For me (not a massive/strong guy by any means; I tend towards wrist shots, and Al McInnis will be able to beat my slapper when he's in a wheelchair ;)), the water was the killer; the blades themselves look good, and the shafts haven't cracked at all, but when the blade just dissolves there's not much you can do.

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