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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New MiA Glove Pics

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  gavin said:
K I'm confused here... maybe you guys that have bought MIAs recently can answer. Do all the MIA gloves now come with "Made in Canada" in big print on the cuff? Just cause I'm Canadian and I think that would actually be pretty cool, to me. I'm wondering if you have to ask for that as an option or what.

Secondly, does MIA really stand for Made In America? Or is it just a brand name? I've lived in Quebec and I find it hard to believe that Les Quebecois would start a companie actually CALLED Made In America.

Thirdly, is it possible to get MIAs in Dallas colours? Cause my college has basically dallas colours, with the Forest Green, Black and White+Brass. I was trying to make it happen on the customizer but I couldn't get what I wanted. Maybe I'll just have to call them up... it's been a while since I've spoken le francais en tout cas LOL

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Do all the MIA gloves now come with "Made in Canada" in big print on the cuff?
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They now come with this quote: «Fitted like a pro»

Secondly, does MIA really stand for Made In America?
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All of our products are made in Canada.

Thirdly, is it possible to get MIAs in Dallas colours?
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You can customize your own pair so of course you can!

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  qwerty said:
Do all the MIA gloves now come with "Made in Canada" in big print on the cuff?
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They now come with this quote: «Fitted like a pro»

Secondly, does MIA really stand for Made In America?
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All of our products are made in Canada.

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So, they no longer say "Made In Canada" on them because you realized that would confuse people with the company being called Made In America Sports, eh?

Nice evading of the question regarding MIA standing for Made In America.

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  qwerty said:
Nice evading of the question regarding MIA standing for Made In America.
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Thank you! ;)

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It wasn't a compliment. I think the deliberate misrepresentation of Made in America Sports is a complete joke. Enjoy being the laughing stock of the glove market.

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Once again...deceit...gloves with black/gold and "Kid" 87 embroidered? Also have heard of the same glove with "Sid" instead of "Kid" on there. If that is not deceit, I don't know what is.

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Right...that's what they want you to think. Let's play devil's advocate here...let's say that they actually THOUGHT they would land Crosby...kinda hard to get around that huge RBK contract...

I would hope for their sake that it was two customers who asked for that glove to be made. But once again, if I were a mfgr, I wouldn't touch that one with a 10' pole. But as proven in the past, nothing gets past these guys.

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Well, I've seen pro returns on ebay from Goalie Heaven before that were made for guys that were contracted with other companies....

I'm not saying it's the case here, but anything's possible, right? Who knows....

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Yes, that is true. But none of those guys get paid $750k per season to wear gear. None of those guys are the flagship endorsee for their brand. Plus we all know what name he gets on his gloves. Don't you think that if they were trying to land him, they would put what he gets on the glove?

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  Fletch said:
Do we have to re-hash this yet again?  Let it go....
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I don't think Reaper is wrong at all, and yes, we should keep this up.

These guys area bunch of scumbags and that's being nice about it!

Let's see here...

The "Kid / 87" gloves on eBay. Hmmmmmm, what are they trying to say? Made for Sydney Crosby? Obviously MissConduct took it that way...look at her post

  MissConduct said:

Crosby MIA's anyone? LOL

14' Black/Gold/white MIA's with 87 "The Kid"

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Then we have gavin's epic quote...!

  gavin said:

Secondly, does MIA really stand for Made In America? Or is it just a brand name? I've lived in Quebec and I find it hard to believe that Les Quebecois would start a companie actually CALLED Made In America.

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with the following answer from qwerty to reaper

  reaper said:
Nice evading of the question regarding MIA standing for Made In America.
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  qwerty said:

Thank you!  ;)

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Does anyone else see that these guys are laughing in your faces and that they take all of this as a joke. It isn't a joke! JR, props to you for calling a spade a spade. Deceit is a great word to describe these scumbags! Deceit and being unethical makes bad business, no matter who you are.

Fletch, seriously man...do you also believe that there was someone on the grassy knoll? Do ya Fletch?

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I was wondering when you'd chime in....

I just think there's more important/interesting things out there to discuss than this. We've been over and over and OVER it before. If you don't like their stuff or disagree with the way they do things, fine. We already know about it.

I'm not defending them in any manner, I'm just tired of reading about the "Made in America" stuff. Isn't this the equipment forum? Christ.... :rolleyes:

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  Fletch said:
I was wondering when you'd chime in....

I just think there's more important/interesting things out there to discuss than this. We've been over and over and OVER it before. If you don't like their stuff or disagree with the way they do things, fine. We already know about it.

I'm not defending them in any manner, I'm just tired of reading about the "Made in America" stuff. Isn't this the equipment forum? Christ.... :rolleyes:

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Yes, we've been over and over and OVER it before.

Their DECEIT and UNETHICAL business practices continue over and over and OVER again.

Yes, this is the equipment forum, and this is an equipment topic. It discusses their copy cat products and their poor way of doing business.

I think Reaper would agree, we won't stop until they stop. Start running your business ethically and above board, and we'll go ahead and let them do it. Until then, we're going to continue to drop the hammer on them, day in and day out.

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  Fletch said:
Honestly, do you really think you're going to make a difference?
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We're gonna do our best. Scumbags like these guys don't deserve to be in business.

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I still dont see the issue here...

1st, LHS's can purchase them if they want to sell them.

2nd, So what.. goalieheaven got a pair that said "kid" and had crosbeys number.. they purchased them to SELL.. if putting "fartknocker" on a glove would sell it for $50 over retail, then I would order a shitload of fartknocker gloves and sell them on ebay.

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I have watched this one from afar for quite some time. Here is my take (FWIW).

1) I really don't think they are trying to fool anyone about anything. If they are, they are not fooling you super sluths. Don't worry about Joe Public because...

2) People who shell out $180 for custom gloves really don't give a shit what the glove says on it. They care about if it's going to be of high quality and that they get exactly what they paid for. They also tend to do a bit of research before they lay down that kind of bread so I am sure that they will figure out MIAs evil plot and still make the purchase (that is if they could still sleep with themselves).

3) Yes, I agree that their business model cuts out the brick and morter retailer and that's not good for them. Yes, I think we should all support out local guys. They are the ones who let us come in and play with the sticks and stick our hands in all of the gloves (even after we just eat KFC) and pull all the grear off the shelf.

4) It's a free market. I guess if you guys in shops feel slighted by MIA selling direct to the customer, you should lean on your reps to get them to offer something similar where you DO get your cut.

5) Feel free to Mother F&^k me now. I have broad shoulders ;)

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Dave - next time you come in my store...be sure to bring me a breast, two wings, two biscuits, some mashed potatoes and gravy and all the hot sauce you can scoop up.

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Agreed with above^^.

1) who else offers fully custom gloves (down to the material of the palms)

2) Do you really think that MIA is going to be able to compete with the bigboys that make the gloves you sell?? I doubt it.. how many posts a week are "whats mia's website" and "how much do they cost?!".. People who shell out that kind of scratch for gloves usually know what they are buying and obviously.. you dont have it in your shop or they would have gotten it there.

Its all about supply and demand. I went in yesterday to my lhs with full intent on walking out of there with either a Zbubble, ultralite or XN10 shaft.. they had all three but were COMPLETELY out of any senior comp blade.. not even a bauer V.. When shops dont carry what the customer wants, I HAVE to take my business elsewhere. Whether it be another LHS or some assholes online making a buck off of what you cant supply.

Dont get me wrong.. I fully support my LHS.. but I can only go so far as their stock. If they cant keep up with what I want as a customer, I have to go elsewhere.

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