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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What to do with old skates. . .

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So, what do you do with your skates that are simply 'done', broken down, used?

Do you re-sell them on Ebay, or Play it Again Sports, or do they just stay in the garage or closet?

I'm not sure that anyone will accept a pair for resale that was used without socks for several years, or should I try to clean them up?

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I personally try to sell everithing i dont use anymore (i pay for my equipment so i need money...).

But, if your skates are too bad it's difficult to find someone to buy, unless it's a newbie and your skates were top of the line at their times.

Anyway never trow them in the garbich!

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So, what do you do with your skates that are simply 'done', broken down, used?

Do you re-sell them on Ebay, or Play it Again Sports, or do they just stay in the garage or closet?

I'm not sure that anyone will accept a pair for resale that was used without socks for several years, or should I try to clean them up?

Funny you should ask, as I am wrestling with that very question. I have never registered my banking info with Paypal, nor do I have a digital camera (which I have been toying with buying - trying to become un-cavemanish) so selling on Ebay wouldn't be whimsically easy.

I have gone to Play It Again, and for what they offerred I'd rather either keep it in my closet for "just in case" or go through the eBay contortions to get up and running that way. I'd sort of rather prefer to know that I could pass the savings onto the end user based on the prices I was offered.

Ultimately, I think you should keep one back up pair. If you have more than that, then you could take them to Play It Again and see if they offer a fair price (my experience is they won't - not sure what their markup is, but I'm betting atleast 100%) and if not, eBay it.

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Yeah, I'll consider having a backup pair.

And as for Play it Again, I have the feeling they wouldn't even take a pair of skates that smell from 25 feet away. . . Given that a fair number of you skate barefoot, how many of you have actually resold such a pair?

The ones in the store seem to be pretty clean inside, but I digress. . .

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I ask my relatives if they need any "upgrades" and I pass them along for the most part. Unfortunately my Play It Again doesn't give very good deals on used equipment.

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eBay is a tough market for used skates unless they are high-end and in good condition, so you'll have to be lucky to get more than pennies on the dollar.

If the holders and steel are in usuable shape, I would recommend 'chopping' them down for the parts as there always seems to be a shortage of holders and replacement steel this time of year.

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I had put up my last pair of Mission Flyweights up for $100 concession at my LHS. They take 35% of sell price. Sold two days ago, so I have $65 credit to there now. Which is fine, as I'll end up using it for my R2 blade.

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