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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holla. I am looking to get a pair. I have a friend going down to the States soon so just looking if anyone knows of any good deals on them. They are 699.00 CAD here so thats still kinda steep. Size 6.5 REG.

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Around $500 everywhere,I dont think they are discontinued yet.

You still havent found a pair of skates that work for you?

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Around $500 everywhere,I dont think they are discontinued yet.

You still havent found a pair of skates that work for you?

I though I did. I bought cutom made Vapor XX's (L 6 3/4 R 7), excatly the size I need, but they loosened up big time I have no clue why, its friggen weird. And I am actually demoing a pair of SYnergy skates, becaue the lightspeed on the XX's cracked and I need something to skate on until I get payed (Friday). And yeah the Synergies are pretty swwweet.

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I believe the retail price of the Kor shift is $600.00 U.S

We're $449, same as JR's shop I believe.

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I believe the retail price of the Kor shift is $600.00 U.S

We're $449, same as JR's shop I believe.

Chadd how much is your store selling the 1300 C for ? and I've heard about the 1500's are those coming out any time soon ?

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I believe the retail price of the Kor shift is $600.00 U.S

We're $449, same as JR's shop I believe.

Chadd how much is your store selling the 1300 C for ? and I've heard about the 1500's are those coming out any time soon ?

I don't sell Easton products, that would make me a hypocrite.

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I believe the retail price of the Kor shift is $600.00 U.S

We're $449, same as JR's shop I believe.

Chadd how much is your store selling the 1300 C for ? and I've heard about the 1500's are those coming out any time soon ?

I don't sell Easton products, that would make me a hypocrite.

Sometimes you have to shut up and smile.

That being said, it's not like anyone wants to try on that skate in my store anyway.

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yeah the 1300 tore up alot of people ankles from what ive seen,we ve had to put some padding on the side of the ankle just because it was digging in too much. as for the price, dont expect anything to come down until people have done there major bookings with the companies

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375 euro = $441 usd (I doubt you're talking Duetsche Mark, as that'd only be $225 usd)


No, i can get them for EUR 330 (= $375)

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yeah the 1300 tore up alot of people ankles from what ive seen,we ve had to put some padding on the side of the ankle just because it was digging in too much. as for the price, dont expect anything to come down until people have done there major bookings with the companies

Mine included. The first 10-15 times I was on them my ankles were ripped up pretty badly - my previous skates were some old 651 Tacks from 1986 - but as I've broken them in it's become much better. I love the skates, though and other than the ankle issue they have been great.

I've heard the new ones can be heated and there are no ankle ripping issues.

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