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Steel Net

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I want to start shooting at home again and since a broke my shyty plastic nets Im looking for a new net. Im looking for it to be steel with durable netting and maybe able to fold up. I also dont want to spend hundreds of dollars. Know of any good web sites or places to get one?

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Not chain nets... He means he wants the posts to be steel instead of the current plastic ones he has now. As for the original question, I can't help ya, sorry.

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I want to start shooting at home again and since a broke my shyty plastic nets Im looking for a new net. Im looking for it to be steel with durable netting and maybe able to fold up. I also dont want to spend hundreds of dollars. Know of any good web sites or places to get one?

Check the ones in the 2005 DR catalog and see if you're interested in them.

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A.L 21 makes a great steel net, its expensive like 149 CAD but its worth the investment since its very close to pro quality and its not that hard to put together only part hard is lacing it up.Now you say you want a steel net that folds well i havent seen one of those yet and if they did make them they wouldnt be that reliable because the steel would probably be very thin so it could move

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Winnwell makes a nice metal net, ful size and the netting attaches directly, not using sleeves. Full 2" powder coated steel. I sell them for $129. IMO, best net for the $$$.

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net/goal dammit, wut ambro said.

Anyways, Id like it to be regulation size, thought i saw a folding metal one in the back of usa hockey anyone else remeber seeing these? About $100-150 sounds like a good range.

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A.L 21 makes a great steel net, its expensive like 149 CAD but its worth the investment since its very close to pro quality and its not that hard to put together only part hard is lacing it up.Now you say you want a steel net that folds well i havent seen one of those yet and if they did make them they wouldnt be that reliable because the steel would probably be very thin so it could move

AL21/DR makes a couple of models that you can take apart. It's not the same as folding but just as effective.

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I bought a steel net from canadian tire for $120 in may and now it is almost completely destroyed. I've only really taken wrist shots on it and alot of the screws are broken and the posts and cross bar are dented so much, they're flat.

So unless you will be using it alot, I would recommend a pricier one ;)

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