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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 9K Help

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OK now that the skates is released, does anyone have any reviews or tried them yet? I would like to get them but our local stores would not be carrying them for awhile. I'll have to buy it online. So how does the weight feel compared to the 8Ks? How else is it different from the 8Ks besides the pump? Also for sizing, does it fit the same as the 8Ks?

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OK now that the skates is released, does anyone have any reviews or tried them yet? I would like to get them but our local stores would not be carrying them for awhile. I'll have to buy it online. So how does the weight feel compared to the 8Ks? How else is it different from the 8Ks besides the pump? Also for sizing, does it fit the same as the 8Ks?

Fits the exact same as the 8k. More comfortable (based on customer in store reviews with XXX's or 8k's on other foot.) Sold 2 pairs so far, haven't got real use feedback yet. Haven't weighed them yet, I'd guess pretty close in weight. It is a sharp looking skate.

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So are you guys saying that it's more narrow than the Vector Pros? Right now I'm wearing Vapor XXs and I hope the size is comparable.

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the rbk skates like the 9K and the 9K reason they didnt fit you but the vector did is because the arch is much higher in the RBK skates compared to the ccm vector skates. The vectors are coming off there new last which is a smaller arch where the RBKs are coming off there old last with the higher arch so its not as deep fitting

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