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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton pro gloves of this year

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Good for you jrwarrior, not for the rest of us! I don't know, I guess if a easton dealer (from MSH) wanted to make a customer order for us? Something like plain black with white, in a nylon or a tufftek type material, the only thing would be the sizing! I guess everyone would have to pay up front though, and we would have to make the minimums!

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Good for you jrwarrior, not for the rest of us! I don't know, I guess if a easton dealer (from MSH) wanted to make a customer order for us? Something like plain black with white, in a nylon or a tufftek type material, the only thing would be the sizing! I guess everyone would have to pay up front though, and we would have to make the minimums!

That might be a good idea, I think if everybody has the same color, the sizing will not be a problem (14 in.).

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JR, I was kinda thinking you could maybe help us out with anyone that does have an Easton account that maybe willing to place an order for us? Not getting you guys to place the order, because I know were you stand with MSH and bussiness and I know Chad doesn't have an account as he has stated before.

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Wasn't someone on the board selling the full leather version of those gloves?

I know this is old, but that was me, and another pair of all black leather ones will soon be up for sale again ;).

They really are great gloves. We got the same pair I have in with nylon and black palms(so the glove is completely blacked out), they are AWESOME gloves, and even rival the MIA gloves in comfort.

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Can we see pics of the black nylons please?

I believe these must be what you asked for?


By the way, does anyone know what the differences, if any, between these and the regular Synergy 900 gloves would be, other than the nylon?

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yeah petey those are them but they have a black stitched E oval too. The whole thing is black.

and the fit of the glove is completely different. The 900 glove seems wider and has shorter fingers, and also the 900 has the wrist wrap while the pro ones do not.

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