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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thanks JR, is this a good thing for TPS? I know they were fallin a bit behind in their customer service and quality so are we seeing an improvement or plan on seeing one?

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Thanks JR, is this a good thing for TPS? I know they were fallin a bit behind in their customer service and quality so are we seeing an improvement or plan on seeing one?

I've already seen an improvement in dealer communication with the new ownership.

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Any word of new offerings for '06 from TPS?

I got some bits of news from my rep today but he still doesn't have his catalogs.

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And?? No season ending cliffhangers Chadd. Or are the little bits just not juicy enough for our hockey mad ears (or eyes since we're on the computer).

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And?? No season ending cliffhangers Chadd. Or are the little bits just not juicy enough for our hockey mad ears (or eyes since we're on the computer).

I prefer to see things for myself before passing along second-hand descriptions. The one stick he was describing did sound cool though (endure-ish), we'll see in a week or so when the catalogs show up.

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