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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saw the One90

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I phoned with BauerNike Germanys boss (I am able to, because i work for a german DEL pro club, otherwise i dont think he'd had given any info) and he told me that they'll go public in July 06 in Germany/Europe and will cost EUR 900.

I guess its the price a pro team pays, dont know how much they'll be retail.

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Tell T to put a regular LS2 on the thing. Problem solved.

You know not one self respecting Nhler will have clear holders on there skates.

As far as Kor I hear it all the time, what are those?,Are they as good as bauer,they look like rec. skates. And what do I say..... Idiot!

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I wouldn't be surprised if Kovalchuk or Overchin went for them.

And, didn't Sirgay Federov once wear all white nikes?

Freakin clear holders...Hey when he was a rookie! :lol: :lol:

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I wouldn't be surprised if Kovalchuk or Overchin went for them.

And, didn't Sirgay Federov once wear all white nikes?

Ovechkin is in the Vectors because of his CCM deal. Kovalchuk may end up in a pair soon though.

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