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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM website redesigned.

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Just surfing the net and noticed CCM overhauled their website. Anyone else see the change?

CCM Sports

It doesn't appear as though they have the new products listed yet. I was looking to see which products were being renamed into the Vector line and which were being dropped but...no news there.

Guess we'll have to stay tuned to MSH to see what is going on. :P

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Guess we'll have to stay tuned to MSH to see what is going on. :P

Yeah, it was Jonathan's (Balboa) going-away present to them. Heard he has moved on...

Hasn't it always been like that?

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Yes, pretty darn slow. I thought it was the equipment site. This seems to be more of a corporate site or something.

***Scratch that. It's the redesigned site. I was able to find the products.

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I like this newer version. I prefer the layout, especially once you get into the products and the descriptions. The player photo banner at the top is a nice touch. One of the better blade pattern charts. The popup menu is a bit hit and miss, but good overall.

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