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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior Canada

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Call the old inno number from innovativehockey.com. It will give you the warrior number. Call Warrior and then ask for the number for their Canadian distributor. Therein lies the answer...

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i know we dont have it because nobody from warrior has come into our shop yet.which i think is pretty dumb

Or maybe they don't think they need you.

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i know we dont have it because nobody from warrior has come into our shop yet.which i think is pretty dumb

Or maybe they don't think they need you.

See previous post last sentence. The "pretty dumb" part.

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i know we dont have it because nobody from warrior has come into our shop yet.which i think is pretty dumb

Or maybe they don't think they need you.

See previous post last sentence. The "pretty dumb" part.

I'm sure they'll do just fine.

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i know we dont have it because nobody from warrior has come into our shop yet.which i think is pretty dumb

Or maybe they don't think they need you.

I was told they don't have a sales force yet and are only concentrating on the "big" guys. Still, when they do finally come, I may have to politely tell them to pack sand. I prefer to do business with companies that like the independent operator, rather than those who have sales reps with family members who own stores in their territory, or those who are intimidated by the big box stores or chains who threaten companies if they sell to a small competitor. I'm working an anti-trust lawsuit as we speak. Manipulating the market is not legal.

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I don't understand the point of all the ad $ and no product at retail. Here in Northern NJ nobody has Warrior. I have yet to see a travel player walk in with the stick. We are in Atlantic District for USA Hockey. Teams from Washington DC, Philly and southern Ct as well as Long Island come through our building every weekend. If they have money to burn....

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i would like to BS warrior-inno because they think Quebec is not enough important(i think in term of % quebec and ontario are both the states with more hockey played than any other states in N. america..)

But again, i know their stuff is good and i really like my true1 shaft and i'm sure i will like my inno blade(should be shipped soon...) but freak they make it hard to get the stuff..

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i would like to BS warrior-inno because they think Quebec is not enough important(i think in term of % quebec and ontario are both the states with more hockey played than any other states in N. america..)

But again, i know their stuff is good and i really like my true1 shaft and i'm sure i will like my inno blade(should be shipped soon...) but freak they make it hard to get the stuff..

In the past Inno didn't produce enough of their own branded product to have better distribution. It's easier to sell 5000 sticks each to 5 dealers than 500 each to 500 dealers.

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I really doubt that a large store gives a shot if you sell a couple dozen warrior sticks down the road...

does that mean there should be legislation the other way if a larger retailer can't get product because a company such as the big E puts it out in small amounts to every small retailer on earth??

Wait, everyone gets the same amount of product to sell, can give it back if it doesn't work, has the same size shop,skills etc..it could even work as a political platform ;)

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I really doubt that a large store gives a shot if you sell a couple dozen warrior sticks down the road...

does that mean there should be legislation the other way if a larger retailer can't get product because a company such as the big E puts it out in small amounts to every small retailer on earth??

Wait, everyone gets the same amount of product to sell, can give it back if it doesn't work, has the same size shop,skills etc..it could even work as a political platform ;)

Oh they care, in fact they threaten the manufacturer of not carrying their products if they sell to the little guys. There are anti-trust laws that cover this. Hard to enforce.

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well I'm not sure who you consider a big store, because I've run the most hated by retailers of them all...sat in the corp meetings etc..and we just don't give a crap...sorry to disappoint you...

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