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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I played in the NHL

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$200 is chump change! Sign me up! I really think thats a deal for what you get for each guy. I'm not even a Wings fan but I would easily pay $200 for that experience to skate at the Joe. I wish other NHL teams offered that. What a great thing to offer your fans. The chance to play shinny hockey in an NHL rink + the extras is totally worth $200. My Friday Night Hockey skate with my group costs about $25 for 1.5 hours skate + beer & pretzels in the locker room. The Red Wing experience is a bargain compared to the dump we play in: Sport-a-rama in Monsey, NY. Thanks for sharing the day!

Ha,I played at Sport-a-Rama when I was in squirts. The ice was garbage from what I can remember.

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were treated like kings

i would have hoped you were treated like "Wings"

HAHAHA, i crack myself up.

anyways... very cool deal.

im happy to see the Big Red Machine (jr, you'll know what im talkin about)

I dunno...Toronto and Florida have Blackstones...

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were treated like kings

i would have hoped you were treated like "Wings"

HAHAHA, i crack myself up.

anyways... very cool deal.

im happy to see the Big Red Machine (jr, you'll know what im talkin about)

I dunno...Toronto and Florida have Blackstones...

Me too. Doesn't Eddie have one as well?

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Dark Star - SOR has the best parking lot though and well..no other rink has Winston!!

seemed the ice turned a lot worse once Barry's daughter stopped playing..

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Dark Star - SOR has the best parking lot though and well..no other rink has Winston!!

seemed the ice turned a lot worse once Barry's daughter stopped playing..

We always set Winston up with a few cold ones after the Friday night skate. We do our imbibing in the locker room. We just carry out all the empties! However, the SOR parking lot offers plenty of space for BBQ and staying out late to watch the sun rise. Those are Terminal/Thursday night hockey traditions.

Did you ever skate at Low Tor in Haverstraw? That is the birthplace of Terminal Hockey!

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$200 is dirt cheap for something like that, jezus. I think I might have to make a roadie to Detroit next year...

Btw Wicked, does your wife have a sister that's just as thoughful and understanding? Sign me up! ;)

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