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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to tell 05 SL vs. O6?

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I just looked at the 05 and 06 Easton catalogues.

Do all the new 06 sticks now have the 3 arrows above the (E) logo whereas the 05 sticks had them below and towards the blade?

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Im assuming you mean 05 vs 06, on the 06 the nameplate is different, the font on the stick is different, and it feels exactly the same but is labeled 425 grams vs 420.

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Im assuming you mean 05 vs 06, on the 06 the nameplate is different, the font on the stick is different, and it feels exactly the same but is labeled 425 grams vs 420.

it feels totaly different! It is 5 grams heavier, which is why I am not using it anymore. LIGHTER IS BETTER.

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Don't the 06 SL have the WEAR and PERFORMANCE ratings explained as energy bars near where the pattern name used to be placed on all previous Synergy's instead of just numbers at the bottom of the shaft. Something like on that Synergy 300.

Correct me if I'm wrong...



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Im assuming you mean 05 vs 06, on the 06 the nameplate is different, the font on the stick is different, and it feels exactly the same but is labeled 425 grams vs 420.

it feels totaly different! It is 5 grams heavier, which is why I am not using it anymore. LIGHTER IS BETTER.

im sorry vapor nothing against you because a lot of people share your opinion there, but that is the epitome of tool right there..... :lol: .... how can spezza (and countless other nasty people) dominate with woodies then dude?

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