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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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which curve is closest to the shanny?

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They are gone. Does anyone know of another companie that makes somthing real similiar to this curve. Im in the market for a new tapered shaft so if anyone knows let me know.

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I'd try the pattern DB up top...or one of the other threads that look for Shanny clones.

Mack, I think that is your nicest response to a horribly repetitive question that has an amazingly simple answer, yet people still post questions like that.

Are you having a good day? Turning over a new leaf?

And don't get mad at me for my run-on sentence either.

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The Gear Bozek curve is a Shanny clone, Bauer Gagne, Mission Cole are all direct clones. Some versions of the Koho Jagr are similar, but I have noted that different years and materials (i.e., wood, graphite) differ.

From there, just sort of refer to the database or hit your LHS for others still around that are approximately close (Recchi, for instance - different lie, but curve properties, while different, aren't so different that it'd be TOTALLY foreign) that might make the transition easier.

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They are gone. Does anyone know of another companie that makes somthing real similiar to this curve. Im in the market for a new tapered shaft so if anyone knows let me know.

I have examined all the blades VERY extensively in the last year.

I've been a Shanny user for 10 years and it's killing me that MOST of the companies are discountinuing anything that's close to a shanny.

That being said...

The closest thing you'll find is the Bauer P10, Mission Cole (although this is not being made any more), Gear Bozek.

That's doesn't help us too much since the only one of those you can get in tapered is the Bauer P10 in the XV Replacement blade.

Now for moving to another curve altogether it depends on what you're comfortable with.

In the past year the closest I found in terms of being able to actually play with the curve is the Inno Kovalev and Easton Drury. But as you look at the Pattern DB you'll see it NO WHERE close to the Shanny in terms of lie, length, shape and curve.

But it's the closest I've been able to find as far as putting the two sticks together on the angle and openess of the curve....with being able to actually stick handle and shoot with it without a whole lot of adjustment.

Hope this helps.

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datsyuk is very close, as well as the nike/bauer gagne

ccm recchi is reasonably close

however, i have seen bauer sticks labelled gagne and they were p106s

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The Christian #4 is supposed to be a Recchi clone but it's more of a toe curve. It's probably as close as you're going to find outside of a Gagne.

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