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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission intake

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According to Mission customer service they won't be available until spring like all of the other products. I'm hoping to steal one from the booth at the trade show. :ph34r:

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I thought I heard Justin say winter 06? as in early next year

Yes, that is what Justin said. Either customer service is wrong or they don't know about something special.

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I thought I heard Justin say winter 06? as in early next year

Yes, that is what Justin said. Either customer service is wrong or they don't know about something special.

at www.missionhockey.com you can win one of the new helmets

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Right on the mission contest page it says:

Probably the best prize we've ever given away! This month one lucky winner will receive a new Intake Helmet. Found in all 30 NHL locker rooms, Intake is the hottest new helmet in the pros and coming this winter, unless you win it first here in the Big December Contest. Sign up here for your chance to win. Good luck.

I've added the bold - this winter is sometime between now and the end of March. If you win it in December you'll get it before it is released so that narrows it down to sometime between January and the end of March 06 based on what's on the website.

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saw them at the min vs north dakota game last night

few of the guys were wearing them

on a side note

college hockey is so much more fun to watch

nhl becomes repetive

nd made a few mistakes but their vision and passing were crazy

stuff u just dont see in the nhl

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saw them at the min vs north dakota game last night

few of the guys were wearing them

on a side note

college hockey is so much more fun to watch

nhl becomes repetive

nd made a few mistakes but their vision and passing were crazy

stuff u just dont see in the nhl

Ya college hockey is fun to watch, I am stuck in Florida where the level of play is not great, but still fun to watch. At least you know they are playing hard, because they want too, not just playing to make more cash.

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watching nhl gets pretty repetive

players pull the same passes play after play and clearing the zone can be guessed between one of 3 plays

sure the college guys have plays but when the time comes

they are innovative in their passing and cycling

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