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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I am in the market for new gloves.....I am coming from the old Messier style TPS's.....

I really like the XXX's, but the way people seem to like their Bionic Teams and Eagles around here I figured I would ask:

How do the Bionic Teams (I think that is what they are) and the higher end Eagles fit compared to the XXX's? I havent been able to track any of either down in LHS's around my state (I get around) so I wanted your opinions.....thanks!

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i used tps also but then i got some eagle x70i and i love them. I tried on the xxx and did not like them because i like a loose and non stiff glove. The eagles are already broken in and are really comfortable. Go try on some eagles. you might like the xxx but i thought they were too stiff on the top. maybe it was just me.

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Pro tacks are the most comfortable glove made. Do a blindfold test, Eagle on one hand Pro Tack on the other. You wll pick the pro's. Guaranteed! In fact, do the blind test with any other glove, you will pick the Pro's.

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i had the vapor XX's and loved em because of the two and three peice fingers, total flexability - my team ordered a set of eagles(x70) and at first i hated em becuase of the one piece fingers but once they get broken in they are awesome

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I liked the look of the XXX but I don't like a tight fitting glove , so I decided to go with the easton synergy 1300. Easton has more of a loose fit witch I like. the eagles in my opinion feel just like the 1300's.

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I'd go HGT's over the other 2 (don't like XXXs pp, and my eagles took a while to break in due to the split fingers). I agree with jimmy, the Pro Tacks are the softest gloves off the rack.

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I haven't met anyone who didn't like the feel of our PG1's.

The most recent example is one of the coaches with me plays juniors (I think) and tried on my gloves. He liked them so much that he bought a pair the next week. After he bought them, I apologized that the newer pair wasn't quite as limber as my year-old pair.

He replied that they already felt more broken in than the pair he had bought during the summer.

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He's coming from a traditional glove, I'd keep looking for something more along those lines.

I am coming from a traditional, but really like the way the XXX's feel.....I also like the older mission m1's........I guess that makes me more of a fan of the newer style fit.

Thanks guys!

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Then I would say go with the XXXs if that's what feels best for you. Never personally used them, but I hear the horror stories of weak palms from guys on my team that use them. I still wear HG1s but may end up going on the bandwagon of the new NBH gloves since no one seems to make traditionals that I like.

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True. The left palm of my XXX´s is going bye bye after 3 months of light useage. I guess if you use grip tape and use them more than twice a week they won´t last a month.

I have to say I like the CCM´s, too. In stores I always thought they were too stiff and that but I just received custom pro return nylon CCM Tacks with split fingers, plastic inserts all around, super soft nash palm (double layered in the middle) and artificial leather thumbs with an extra plastic insert yet unbelievably light.. As far as traditional gloves...don´t look further. Too bad they are a little too big for me.

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I need to try some CCMs on or see if I can pick a pair up on eBay cheap. I thought I had remedied it when I bought my brother some Eastons, but apparently they were custom and not the same I could pick up anywhere. These Pure Hockey Eastons seemed all right but they're a bit pricey for Eastons and the colours weren't anything I could use.

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