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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Epuck has 06' Z-bubble grip and non grip)

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Look at the easton catalog and you will find that the Z bubble has a 110 flex option. You will be able to get the 06 Z bubble with 110 flex just not yet. I have used a 110 flex since I was 16. stronger, bigger players for the most part use a 110. all the ringers on my team use 110 flex but it is all on preference. But I will say this that I was told by several people that stiffer the shaft the better you can feel the puck. I don't know if this is true but with my 110 flex Z bubble and Si -Core blade The puck feels like it is in the palm of my hands!

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But I will say this that I was told by several people that stiffer the shaft the better you can feel the puck.

I found that it's harder to control the puck with whippier sticks because u can feel the whip if your hands are too choppy. Playing with a 380 flex inno improved my hands, atleast that's what I think.

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Just got my bubble...VERY nice....metallic silver its soo shiny! Also the handle dimensions are smaller than the 05...Similar to an SL but a bit bigger

is the shaft painted like the green UL's? or are they more like the traditional looking UL's where you see the kevlar weave?

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Just got my bubble...VERY nice....metallic silver its soo shiny! Also the handle dimensions are smaller than the 05...Similar to an SL but a bit bigger

Can you update on performance when you use it please ;)

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Uh, I didnt read through all of these, but Im just now getting down on myself, I never knew how much the z-bubble grip was so well liked. I see them on ebay going for $80 with 10 bids! So now im upset because one month ago I sold a hardly used z-bubble grip int. 75 flex WITH a unused focus flex--for $20. Because I couldnt sell it to anybody else, nobody wanted it. Now im pissed i got ripped off horribly. Thought everybody quit the shaft thing and went to ops? Guess i was wrong huh. :ph34r:

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For standard shafts

Bauer's are around 50' (some models 52')

TPS are 51'

Inno are 51' or 52'

Easton Z-bubble is 48'

That's why the Zbubble is so light on paper....

48' 280g's (some have mentioned 275, but my old bubble was 280)

50' 290 (Bauer XX)

A 48' Bauer XX shaft (if you cut it 2'...) weighs 278,4g's.... It's all in the maketing baby, Easton always mentions weight, but never how they "really" reduced it. Remember someone once posted how they shaved the weight of the steatlh.... they simply made the dimensions smaller, the material weighed the same as in the old synergy's but there was less of it. :ph34r:

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Uh, I didnt read through all of these, but Im just now getting down on myself, I never knew how much the z-bubble grip was so well liked. I see them on ebay going for $80 with 10 bids! So now im upset because one month ago I sold a hardly used z-bubble grip int. 75 flex WITH a unused focus flex--for $20. Because I couldnt sell it to anybody else, nobody wanted it. Now im pissed i got ripped off horribly. Thought everybody quit the shaft thing and went to ops? Guess i was wrong huh. :ph34r:

well, there is no point to sell a shaft +blade for $20 which u can't even buy a wood stick.

Do u really need those $20 for food?! :unsure:

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