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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innovative 1100 shafts in Canada

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Hi guys I was wondering where I could find an inno 1100 (300 flex) w/ Polar Grip in Canada? I'm from BC and the cost to having one shipped here from the US is unbelievable. If anyone has any online to cdn resources that would be great! Mods, feel free to lock this thread if sth like this has been discussed already. Thanks

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Hi guys I was wondering where I could find an inno 1100 (300 flex) w/ Polar Grip in Canada?

Have you tried a google search?

by the way what is the polar grip feel like?

It's a rough edged sort of thing - not a tacky sort of thing

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I would suggest going without the polargrip which gets a big thumbs down in my book. Perani's in Flint Michigan has alot of Innovative stuff. Maybe get someone to cross in to Michigan for you

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Thanks very much. From reading the other threads it seems like people have mixed opinions on the Polar Grip. It seems like people hate it or love it. Is it really that rough on your palms?

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just like a candy cane tape job eh? I candy cane all my non-grip sticks. So I guess polarfibre will work out for me....hopefully!

I got an email from Duke's source for sports and while they didnt have any 1100's left, they are selling Inno Novius Grips and Bauer XVs for $99! I think those figures are in cdn. Just a heads up!

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National Sports may have some 300 flex shafts with Polarfibre. I know they had some at their clearance center, maybe a half dozen a week ago. There may be stock at a few of their other stores, but not much. They are the only place I have found in the GTA that has 300 flex 1100s left. Don't know if they ship though. Last I looked, the 1100 shafts sold by Goalie Heaven, at least on their Ebay store, are stiff as they are all pro-returns.

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Dang well i ordered an 1100 tapered 300 flex shaft from hockeyoutlet but they were out of stock. In fact they are sold out!

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No luck getting a hold of these bad boys. Maybe I should just wait a couple of more months and see how people rate the new Warrior shafts. Hopefully the dolomite shaft performs just like the 1100!

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