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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Transferring to itunes

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Well I have 5,000 dollars in hockey equiptment, I do have better stuff to spend my money on, so I will just steal it.

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yes i have ipod "with video" (their recent legal suing makes people call it that way mehhh) and i have itunes, both pretty choice... i also dl videos from their service because i like videos and im too lazy to find them, but for str8 up musik u need BearShare. its by far the best P2P for music. it sux for videos/movies/games etc though.

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Well I have 5,000 dollars in hockey equiptment, I do have better stuff to spend my money on, so I will just steal it.

I thought that was just from members and not companies themselves?

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Well I have 5,000 dollars in hockey equiptment, I do have better stuff to spend my money on, so I will just steal it.

I thought that was just from members and not companies themselves?


Vapor, you'd be proud that I bought an apple product last week.

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