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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro return Inno 1100 Green, Maltby, Park, Marshall

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Green: mid-heel, open face, 5.5 lie, 240 flex (i think)

I'd fish the Green 1100 i have out of the garage to make sure on those stats, but it's early and freezing outside.

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Green: Mid-toe, low lie

Maltby: RP, 5ish lie

Park: Weird big curve, starts at the heel and has more curve at the toe, very open, very high lie

Marshall: The Marshall 1100s I have seen were a mid-toe, not sure of lie.

As far as flexes go, be careful. I have seen pro return Maltbys at the same store (Hockeygeeks.com which is presumably where you found these) with 300, 260, and 220 flex. If you are trying to buy over the phone, ask them to pull the plastic code out of the butt end and check for a sticker inside - the code should contain the flex.

EDIT - pics of Park:



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I bought a couple maltby's from them and they were probaly about a 90 flex, 260 would have been my inno guess, the 5ish lie is correct, and they lasted forever, I got 2 around this time last year, and playing 5 times a day from december-march, then again september-december, and occasional times in the summer, along with roller hockey once a week in the summer, and my last one just broke friday night, not because it was old, cuz some dousche stepped on it.

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Another interesting note, upon looking in the end of my broken 1100 pro return maltby, I found what appears to be Hespeler Nemesis on the sticker, maybe its just a painted over nemesis with the pattern maltby liked?

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Could you guys with these sticks post pictures of the Green, Marshall, Maltby, and Lang curve. Do any of these sticks have grip? My friend used to have a Lang synergy, I remember it being mild drury'ish with a really round toe. This sound right? Pics?

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Could you guys with these sticks post pictures of the Green, Marshall, Maltby, and Lang curve. Do any of these sticks have grip? My friend used to have a Lang synergy, I remember it being mild drury'ish with a really round toe. This sound right? Pics?

I don't think these sticks have grip. You're description matches the Lang I bought from that store. Was also very stiff (prob 220 flex). Sorry no pics.

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Maltby and Langs are Drury's or RPs. Green's been posted. Flexes are in the 220 range, Malby's may be a lighter flex.

The Maltby's they had at one time varied in flex, from 260 to 220 I believe. The sticker inside the plastic end plug will yield the answer.

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Hockeygeeks sent me some pics. The Green looks a lot like a sakic retail. Is this true? TY

They are both toe curves, but the Green has a much lower lie. Prob like 4.5.

Sorry about the multiple posts but not sure how to bring more than one quote into a post.

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