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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Better Steel for my 8090's

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I broke my blade on my 8090's last night, what is a better bade ? This is my first set and I have heard that they are prone to break. Can I use a different blade ?

They have lightspeed holders

Any Ideas ?

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I just called one of my stores who wants 50 cnd  for the pair , kinda seems expensive ?

Than I have to pay 10 to have them profiled !

I cant beleive that they did'nt come with the LS2 holder and steel. I know I looked into having extra steel profiled and also extra holders on hand $$$$$$$$. But no problems yet but I only have 20 hrs on them so we will see. These are great holders and steel I am very impressed, I was'nt sure at first I always had TUUK+.

Ps -Oh another thing that large black spot on the front of the holders was from one hell of a slapshot from the point ,rattled my foot good but no damage to the holder.

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I just called one of my stores who wants 50 cnd  for the pair , kinda seems expensive ?

Than I have to pay 10 to have them profiled !

I cant beleive that they did'nt come with the LS2 holder and steel. I know I looked into having extra steel profiled and also extra holders on hand $$$$$$$$. But no problems yet but I only have 20 hrs on them so we will see. These are great holders and steel I am very impressed, I was'nt sure at first I always had TUUK+.

Ps -Oh another thing that large black spot on the front of the holders was from one hell of a slapshot from the point ,rattled my foot good but no damage to the holder.

The newer 8090s come with LS2s, mine came with LS and one of them did break. It's strange though cause now I'm in V-12s with LS perf steel and they haven't broken yet, and I can tell by looking at them that the blade is warped.

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I just called one of my stores who wants 50 cnd  for the pair , kinda seems expensive ?

Than I have to pay 10 to have them profiled !

I cant beleive that they did'nt come with the LS2 holder and steel. I know I looked into having extra steel profiled and also extra holders on hand $$$$$$$$. But no problems yet but I only have 20 hrs on them so we will see. These are great holders and steel I am very impressed, I was'nt sure at first I always had TUUK+.

Ps -Oh another thing that large black spot on the front of the holders was from one hell of a slapshot from the point ,rattled my foot good but no damage to the holder.

The newer 8090s come with LS2s, mine came with LS and one of them did break. It's strange though cause now I'm in V-12s with LS perf steel and they haven't broken yet, and I can tell by looking at them that the blade is warped.

that sucks! Alot of my teammates have had problems.

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i have Vapor XX with LS holders. Will LS2 solid steel blades fit in them?

YES,MY TEAMMATES HAVE LS2 steel ON THEIR LS HOLDERS.---Im pretty sure it is LS2 steel--it dosent have the holes in the steel.

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i have Vapor XX with LS holders.  Will LS2 solid steel blades fit in them?

YES,MY TEAMMATES HAVE LS2 steel ON THEIR LS HOLDERS.---Im pretty sure it is LS2 steel--it dosent have the holes in the steel.

um.. ls1 and ls2 both have PERFORATED steel and non-perforated steel

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I just called one of my stores who wants 50 cnd for the pair , kinda seems expensive ?

Than I have to pay 10 to have them profiled !

That's not a bad price if they come with the first sharpening. It can take 30 minutes of labor to properly sharpen a new set of steel the first time. Many don't take that into consideration when they are buying replacement steel.

Profiling is more labor, as such it should cost more. Go to your auto mechanic and as him how much 1 hr of labor is. Your getting a sweet deal, when you compare.

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I just called one of my stores who wants 50 cnd  for the pair , kinda seems expensive ?

Than I have to pay 10 to have them profiled !

That's not a bad price if they come with the first sharpening. It can take 30 minutes of labor to properly sharpen a new set of steel the first time. Many don't take that into consideration when they are buying replacement steel.

Profiling is more labor, as such it should cost more. Go to your auto mechanic and as him how much 1 hr of labor is. Your getting a sweet deal, when you compare.

i agree

$25 per steel is regular

and profiling does take quite a bit of time

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I got the LS1 holder and im afraid it'll break.

BAM! I knew it and it happened last night.. :ph34r:

Will a Ls2 steel fit into the LS1 holder ?

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I got the LS1 holder and im afraid it'll break.

BAM! I knew it and it happened last night.. :ph34r:

Will a Ls2 steel fit into the LS1 holder ?


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What is the frequency of breakage on LS steel? I just got XX skates and if the frequency of LS steel breakage is high, maybe I could just wait for them to wait so I can get replacement steel (hopefully LS2) for free. Because the LS1 steel is SO bad! It can't hold an edge for too long, they get too many nicks and cuts easily, and it's actually rusting up even though I dry my skates throughly after every skate!

I liked the steel on my custom +s, they were a breeze to maintain compared to the LS steel.

Also, I noticed that alot of Europeans (Germans in particular) prefer the Tblades system.

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What is the frequency of breakage on LS steel? I just got XX skates and if the frequency of LS steel breakage is high, maybe I could just wait for them to wait so I can get replacement steel (hopefully LS2) for free. Because the LS1 steel is SO bad! It can't hold an edge for too long, they get too many nicks and cuts easily, and it's actually rusting up even though I dry my skates throughly after every skate!

I liked the steel on my custom +s, they were a breeze to maintain compared to the LS steel.

Also, I noticed that alot of Europeans (Germans in particular) prefer the Tblades system.

The L1 perf is junk! witch comes on the XX Black paint around the perf's

the LS2 is supposed to be good until alot of the steel is gone then I guess they all crack.

LS2 w/o perf is the best Ls steel you can get at this time.

And the LS1 steel w/o perf was bad steel so just stay away from that.

And I wonder how the new (LS power) is going to be.....It comes on the One 90.

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