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Eff Johnny Damon

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Great player but ALOT of money for a guy heading into his later years.

Another reasons for me to hate the Yanks. Nothing new :)

... and heck the Yanks are still on the clock for the biggest choke job in baseball history so all is good.

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I like it. His D is decent enough, and his bat is good. He gets on base, Jeter gets on in the 2 slot, then you have Sheff hittin 3rd, A-Rod in cleanup....bam...4-0 right off the bat. You can't argue with the lineup offensively. The bull-pin is looking like it could actually be competant this season.

Just goes to show you, when The Boss likes you, The Boss gets you in Pinstripes.

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I like Damon, not the greatest arm...but he'll get to a lot of balls out there in CF..and nevermind his skills leading off...

wonder if he'll go back to riding the Sector 9 longboards and taking the train like he did while in Oakland, cool guy.. he gave us some feedback on K2 carve stuff..

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Its not personal its just about the money. That simple.

I will always remember the grany he hit at Yankee Stadium.

Life will go on.

Now Thornton on the other hand its a VERY different story ;)

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I wanted Damon back, but I didn't want them tying up $10M over four years, let alone at $13M a year.

I'm willing to accept a step back this year if they still focus on building the farm system, rather than trading them for a middle reliever for 2.5 months.

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At least the sox didn't waste that kinda money on AJ Burnett. Now there's a pisser. He'd better be worth it.

And like everyone else said, it's the Yanks. The only team I hate more than the Red Sox is the Yankees. Looking forward to another year in 3rd.

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I had always hoped the in professional sports there was the same kinda of haterid for teams for players as there were for fans. I could never understand how Mussina could go from the O's to the Yankees a couple years ago..... now Damond going to the Yankees after all the sox have been through, it just doesnt' seem like players have any team idenity. All they care about is money and a move like that makes me feel like there is less and less passion in sporst every day.

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I had always hoped the in professional sports there was the same kinda of haterid for teams for players as there were for fans. I could never understand how Mussina could go from the O's to the Yankees a couple years ago..... now Damond going to the Yankees after all the sox have been through, it just doesnt' seem like players have any team idenity. All they care about is money and a move like that makes me feel like there is less and less passion in sporst every day.

Pro sports became all about money a long, long time ago. The passion is in the grassroots and at the recreational levels, and of course, with fans of each particular game.

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This isn't about money with Damon though. He knows the spotlight will be 10x brighter in NY, and everyone knows he's a media whore.

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I know I'd go a lot of places for $13M a season... That amount is unfathomable any more.

Loyalty is long gone, with only very few players surprising us by staying with one team when they could have bolted for richer pastures. Those guys you just associate with the particular team they played for.

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This isn't about money with Damon though. He knows the spotlight will be 10x brighter in NY, and everyone knows he's a media whore.

When you're a cult hero in a rabid market -- enough so that you've been on late night TV often -- and one team offers you 30% more than where you were a cult hero, it's ALL about the respect, um, I mean money.

PS Pretty cool trick with the photo. :D

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This isn't about money with Damon though. He knows the spotlight will be 10x brighter in NY, and everyone knows he's a media whore.

When you're a cult hero in a rabid market -- enough so that you've been on late night TV often -- and one team offers you 30% more than where you were a cult hero, it's ALL about the respect, um, I mean money.

PS Pretty cool trick with the photo. :D

Yeah, but imagine how much bigger a star he'll become if he becomes the same type of hero in NY?

Look at Jeter, above average shortstop, nothing that amazing. But above average shortstop on the Yankees and you're in a billion commercials.

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At least he'll have to get rid of the Jesus look now.

I'm sure his friends from Queer Eye will help him make the transition. Did anybody else feel he enjoyed filming that show a little too much?

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This isn't about money with Damon though. He knows the spotlight will be 10x brighter in NY, and everyone knows he's a media whore.

When you're a cult hero in a rabid market -- enough so that you've been on late night TV often -- and one team offers you 30% more than where you were a cult hero, it's ALL about the respect, um, I mean money.

PS Pretty cool trick with the photo. :D

Yeah, but imagine how much bigger a star he'll become if he becomes the same type of hero in NY?

Look at Jeter, above average shortstop, nothing that amazing. But above average shortstop on the Yankees and you're in a billion commercials.

Thank you, thank you for calling out Jeter already!! He's good, but he's not that good.

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This isn't about money with Damon though. He knows the spotlight will be 10x brighter in NY, and everyone knows he's a media whore.

When you're a cult hero in a rabid market -- enough so that you've been on late night TV often -- and one team offers you 30% more than where you were a cult hero, it's ALL about the respect, um, I mean money.

PS Pretty cool trick with the photo. :D

Yeah, but imagine how much bigger a star he'll become if he becomes the same type of hero in NY?

Look at Jeter, above average shortstop, nothing that amazing. But above average shortstop on the Yankees and you're in a billion commercials.

Thank you, thank you for calling out Jeter already!! He's good, but he's not that good.

From April to September Jeter is overpaid. He made his contract in October though.

Last year I gotta say he wasn't coming through at all. It was all Sheff/ARod/Cano/Giambi

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I'm sorry, but when you watch Jeter play night in and night out, you start to respect his skills as an ELITE shortstop. The things he does defensively, IMHO, are worth the "overhype". Watching other shortstops around the league, there are few today in his calibre that can perform the way he does on a consistent basis.

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