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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First game after sharpening..

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:huh: That confused me and i know what it is

I suppose "Guide" is a misnomer. It is used as a guide when I'm trying to explain the concept. But on it own, I guess its more like a "test". :lol:

If you can undertand the diagram(I hope), then you know hollows...

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On another note, in the article, I found one part was a bit misleading:

"My advice to new or young skaters out there would be to go with a 1/2-inch hollow initially, and as your skating improves you can move up to a 3/8-inch cut." :huh:

It might confuse people to "go deep" to improve their skating. I think what he meant here was kids starting out can sometimes catch too much edge because they are still very stiff. Reducing the hollow will help them catch less and glide a bit more. (?)

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It has nothing to do with SHARPNESS.  All skates are sharpened to the exact same sharpness.

Exactly - funny how people think that way.

Yeah, but don't you get tired of banging your head against that wall? I've all but given up trying to explain that to people.

If you dumb it down most can get it. Have to focus on bite angle. I use a stick of butter as an analogy (example for those of you in Rio Linda). Most will understand that a knife will dig deeper into a stick of butter if it is pushed straight down as opposed to say a 60 degree angle. When the knife sinks in more it gets more bite. You can also use the stick of butter to explain hard ice/soft ice... how an edge will sink in more under more pressure (weight), and also when ice is soft, e.g, room temp butter vs, right out of the fridge.

However, just like most college grads who think Miami is a state, there will be those who just won't get it.

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You have to understand, there are places in America where you can get your skates sharpened in 15 seconds by the blind guy at the rink with hooks for hands, or the guy at the LHS who takes his time and does a good job but insists on giving everyone the same hollow.

For years that was essentially my choice. The hollow I had was not right for me, it had way too much bite. So I would always dull up the edges a bit to compensate for the hollow. It wasn't out of ignorance, it was out of necessity.

Once we got a sharpener who understood sharpening is not one size fits all, I stopped doing that.

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Never run across wood, that defeats the purpose of having your skates sharpened.  Ever see a NHL pro rubbing his edges on the bench before a game???

Just get a shallower hollow.

Not at all, it just takes a little of the edge off, which sounds like exactly what this kid wants. Some people just don't like sharp edges, regardless of the size hollow they use.

It has nothing to do with SHARPNESS. All skates are sharpened to the exact same sharpness. The different hollows change the bite angle of the edges, so if a skate feels too sharp, the bite angle needs to be shallowed. Rubbing on anything, just dulls the edges, which is not a good thing. You DON'T want to take edge off, you want to change the bite ange of the edge.

Actually, there are people out there who don't like sharp edges. I skate with plenty of guys that only get their's sharpened every couple of months, and a couple even less frequently. One rec game won't have much of an effect on the hollow of this kid's skates, but it will take a little of the sharpness off of the edges.

Trust me, I understand all about the perceived sharpness from deeper hollows and what not. Heck, it was my post in another thread that pointed out that deeper "feels" sharper.

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Ive heard Modano sharpens his skates once a season, which i couldnt believe at all.

In the DEL (i guess NHL too) the players get a new sharpening between every period.

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Ive heard Modano sharpens his skates once a season, which i couldnt believe at all.

Ugh, not again.

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Fortunately the guy that I get to cut my skates puts some thought into it.. I think my last cut was at 1/2".. If he can do a 9/16" I'll try that..

Going to 5/8" seems a little too experimental for a championship game, but I will try it during our next regular season..

I tried a 1/4" or 3/8" cut one time.. Lotsa grip, but I was falling all over the place in game situations..

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Ive heard Modano sharpens his skates once a season, which i couldnt believe at all.

Ugh, not again.

Ohhhh yes...

Well sorry anyways

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Hey, I'm a pretty small kid, 15 years old 5'6 120 lbs.

I play defence and I have noticed that after a sharpening they have way too much grip on stops and I fall over alot the first game. Usually the 2nd or 3rd game is when I like the skates the most. I didnt know you could get a different hollow until my sharpener asked me, and I had no idea what so say, I just said "uhhh.... normal?" So I think I am getting them sharpened to 3/4 or something similar. To get them how I like how much shallower should I go? 1 1/2?

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Tell your sharpener that what he gave you last time has a little too much bite and you'd like to get a little less. If you got 1/2" then you should go to 9/16" or 5/8".

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Actually, there are people out there who don't like sharp edges. I skate with plenty of guys that only get their's sharpened every couple of months, and a couple even less frequently. One rec game won't have much of an effect on the hollow of this kid's skates, but it will take a little of the sharpness off of the edges.

Trust me, I understand all about the perceived sharpness from deeper hollows and what not. Heck, it was my post in another thread that pointed out that deeper "feels" sharper.

I've "converted" many skaters who use to get their skates sharpened once or twice a year, to now once a week. If you have the proper hollow, skates should feel great as soon as you get on the ice after a fresh sharpening. The longer you wait between sharpenings, what you are doing is getting use to the dull feel. So, when you finally get a sharpening, any sharpening, it will feel too sharpe and you will not like it. Then, you associate sharpening with being bad. Sharp edges, give better performance. Matched with the proper hollow, you will be a better skater.

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Actually, there are people out there who don't like sharp edges.  I skate with plenty of guys that only get their's sharpened every couple of months, and a couple even less frequently.  One rec game won't have much of an effect on the hollow of this kid's skates, but it will take a little of the sharpness off of the edges. 

Trust me, I understand all about the perceived sharpness from deeper hollows and what not.  Heck, it was my post in another thread that pointed out that deeper "feels" sharper.

I've "converted" many skaters who use to get their skates sharpened once or twice a year, to now once a week. If you have the proper hollow, skates should feel great as soon as you get on the ice after a fresh sharpening. The longer you wait between sharpenings, what you are doing is getting use to the dull feel. So, when you finally get a sharpening, any sharpening, it will feel too sharpe and you will not like it. Then, you associate sharpening with being bad. Sharp edges, give better performance. Matched with the proper hollow, you will be a better skater.

Preaching to the choir. My skates are done every 4-5 games and only by the same two people.

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How much time does changing hollows between successive sharpenings require on the part of the sharpener ?

It's not so much time, it's money. I could get 140 more sharpenings out of a stone, and save approx 2 diamonds if I cut everybody the same way. I don't, because I'm a custom sharpener. Most owners are cutting costs, and custom sharpening simply cost more money. That's why most shops don't do it.

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How much time does changing hollows between successive sharpenings require on the part of the sharpener ?

It's not so much time, it's money. I could get 140 more sharpenings out of a stone, and save approx 2 diamonds if I cut everybody the same way. I don't, because I'm a custom sharpener. Most owners are cutting costs, and custom sharpening simply cost more money. That's why most shops don't do it.

There was a local shop who started charging an extra $2 for custom hollows ($5-$7). They are no longer in business. Personally, I think it's about finding the right hollow for each person and not making everyone use an arbitrary "normal" hollow.

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For all you customers out there, how many of the shops that you visit ask you what hollow you would like? I try to make a point of talking to every customer when they ask to get their skates sharpened. Most people are willing to try a lot of things if you explain to them exactly what a hollow is and how it affects your skating.

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I have a couple of questions regarding sharpening. I have read through everything I can find on the site, yet I cant find the answers to my questions so forgive me for my ignorance.

First when people bring there skates in to get sharpened to whomever, does the sharpening wheel always hit the center of the blade or should they reposition the skate blade to the wheel each time? I ask this because I never see my local store move the holder which holds the blade. I figure it cant be the same on every skate and if it doesnt hit the middle, wont one edge be higher or lower than the other? Meaning there will actually be two different types of edges put on the blade? I have new S500's and my inside edge doesnt seem as sharp as my outside edge and I cant figure out if its me, my skates or my sharpening.

Second are all blades the same thickness? If not, then should my first statement have me concerned about my sharpener?

Third I see people talk about radius. I grew up with Daust 301's and Im not sure if theres a major difference with my radius's on my 301's, but Im having difficulty getting used to the skate. The S500's seem very quick for turning which is kind of nice, but its almost too much of a difference from what I am used to. Im either on the front side of the radius and things are going well or I seem to rock to the back of the radius and Im off balance. Are Radius's set at different spots on different skates?

Finally, I have the adjustable blade holders and they are set at 2. What will changing the holder to either 1 or 3 do for me? Any noticeable difference? Im going to try it out but I just thought I would ask before I went ahead with it. Thanks for the help, G

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You are correct. Blade thickness varies quite a bit. if your sharpener is not measuring the blade with of each skate, and adjusting the machine accordingly, then, yes, you can get uneven edges. This is the number 1 error made by sharpeners. The widths can vary quite a bit, say from 2.5mm to 3.5 depending on brand skate. I also see quite a few left skates different from the right.

All skates have different radius. Best to experiment and find the one that works best for you. Also, better to adjust pitch by moving the gliding surface forward, under ball of foot rather than heel lifing like the Missions. Still the Mission pitch holder will achieve similar results, except of course you really only have one level of pitch you can try. The forward lean is very noticable while skating. Give it a try!

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I just changed from a 3/8 hollow to a 1/2 hollow. I love it. It seems like i can start and stop faster,turn harder, and NOT FALL AS OFTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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